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Can my wife stop chemo after the 3rd treatment or must she complete all 5?

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Good Question!   by duffer   14 year

This is exactly a question I could be asking. My wife completed her 3rd of 5 treatments for AML in January. 1 week after her last one(she gets 6 a week,2 a day-Mon, Wed, Fri) she had a hemhorragic stroke. We had not been told that this was a possibility and I had no idea what was happening when I took her to the ER. She spent the next 16 days in the hospital recovering. Thankfully she only lost some peripheral right side vision. She went back to work last week (hard to keep my wife down) and says she's feeling great. At 52, she can run circles around many 20 year olds!Her platelets dropped to zero which is what caused the stroke. Needless to say, we are not anxious to have her complete the last 2 treatments. As of 2 days ago, her platelets were at 73000 and the oncologist won't continue chemo until she is at 100,000. We have been searching out alternatives and have more questions than we do answers. I doesn't appear that anyone can answer your question with any certainty. My wife had a phone consultation yesterday with a doctor in Colorado in an adjunctive care practice and his reccomendation was to continue with the chemo protocol and come to his clinic for supplemental care for detox and immune building. I would like to hear about a magic bullet where no more chemo is given and alternative care cures her. It doesn't seem to be out there. Most of the alternative cancer therapy seems to deal with solid tumor cancer not blood cancers. I'll be watching this post with anticipation of that magic answer! Mark
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