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I'm on day 4 of the master cleanse, my head is pounding with a head ache and I have, what feels like, a cold. Lots of mucus and my eyes are super dry. Is this normal? Should I drink more?
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Sounds about right. by John Cullison 18 year 2 of 2 (100%)
The first time I did the MC, I had a headache for four days straight.
Expect strange reactions whenever engaging on a new cleanse and be pleasantly surprised when they don't happen.
Only you can say for sure if you should drink more. I'd guess "yes", but I'm not there. Don't overdrink, however. If you're hungry, drink more, but if you're feeling water logged, stop for awhile.
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All John Cullison's Answers
The first time I did the MC, I had a headache for four days straight.
Expect strange reactions whenever engaging on a new cleanse and be pleasantly surprised when they don't happen.
Only you can say for sure if you should drink more. I'd guess "yes", but I'm not there. Don't overdrink, however. If you're hungry, drink more, but if you're feeling water logged, stop for awhile.
Viewed 18421 times
All John Cullison's Answers