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I have periodontal disease -I initially started OP w/EVOO and 4 drops or Oregano - which seemed to calm my inflammation. After doing quite a bit of online 'research' I decided to change over to Sunflower Expeller Pressed for my OP. I'm only on day 3 and WOW my gums are irritated, more darker & inflamed. I want to keep going, however, I'm concerned that I'm pulling toxins from other sources within me and it's irritating my already damaged gums. Am I correct to think that my gums can handle and recover from my body's toxins and also repair themselves? THANK YOU FOR ANY GUIDANCE!
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Maybe you're allergic to sunflower oil. by #145476 14 year
Maybe you're allergic to sunflower oil.
Try Extra-Virgin Olive-Oil again and see whether it clears up; can be delayed reaction to oregano, too.
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Maybe you're allergic to sunflower oil.
Try Extra-Virgin Olive-Oil again and see whether it clears up; can be delayed reaction to oregano, too.
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Try this for your problem by Lovinglimulife 14 year
Try Limu. Check our site at Lovinglimulife.iamlimu.com.
The Tongan people have used this sea plant for centuries, specifically for its healing properties. They especially use it for toothaches and gum disease issues. If you have any questions you can leave me a message on my site.
Best Regards,
I AM Gil Rivera and I AM Limu.
Viewed 16096 times
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Try Limu. Check our site at Lovinglimulife.iamlimu.com.
The Tongan people have used this sea plant for centuries, specifically for its healing properties. They especially use it for toothaches and gum disease issues. If you have any questions you can leave me a message on my site.
Best Regards,
I AM Gil Rivera and I AM Limu.
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Some Gum Relief by healthtalkresearch 15 year
The gums can repair themselves, I want to recommend a toothpase and mouthwash called Periobrite.
It is found in most local health food stores or you can order online. It will help with gum healing and also with the teeth making them naturally brighter. The mouthwash and toothpaste are very haling and soothing on the gums, it even contains COq10 whichc is important for gum health and rebuilding.
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The gums can repair themselves, I want to recommend a toothpase and mouthwash called Periobrite.
It is found in most local health food stores or you can order online. It will help with gum healing and also with the teeth making them naturally brighter. The mouthwash and toothpaste are very haling and soothing on the gums, it even contains COq10 whichc is important for gum health and rebuilding.
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Dental Health by vairagi 15 year
This is a chapter from my Dentist, Dr William Nordquist's latest book, "Silent Saboteurs". His first, "The Stealth Killers", was about the relationship that heart disease has with sprirochetes and dental health.
This new one is more incompassing, involving periodontal disease and more.
Also Dr J Tennants book, "Healing is Voltage", is pertainant in how it explains in lay terms how the meridean concept and nerve connections can play a role in promoting illhealth from dental imballance. Along with his proposed therapies for healing.
Dont neglect to study also why Dr Weston Price came to the conclusions he did when studying dental health thruout the world.
Pau de Arco/Taheebo is also one of the powerfull anti bug herbs that is always worth a one month regimin try for most ailments like u are describing.
Viewed 16488 times
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This is a chapter from my Dentist, Dr William Nordquist's latest book, "Silent Saboteurs". His first, "The Stealth Killers", was about the relationship that heart disease has with sprirochetes and dental health.
This new one is more incompassing, involving periodontal disease and more.
Also Dr J Tennants book, "Healing is Voltage", is pertainant in how it explains in lay terms how the meridean concept and nerve connections can play a role in promoting illhealth from dental imballance. Along with his proposed therapies for healing.
Dont neglect to study also why Dr Weston Price came to the conclusions he did when studying dental health thruout the world.
Pau de Arco/Taheebo is also one of the powerfull anti bug herbs that is always worth a one month regimin try for most ailments like u are describing.
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