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Selenium is very potent broad-spectrum anticarcinogenic agent by #56153 20 year
Selenium trace mineral is a simple treatment that should be a part of every cancer therapy. It should be used as an adjunct to other types of therapy, either conventional or alternative.
Dr. E. J. Crary states, "Selenium is the most potent broad-spectrum anticarcinogenic agent that has yet been discovered."
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Selenium trace mineral is a simple treatment that should be a part of every cancer therapy. It should be used as an adjunct to other types of therapy, either conventional or alternative.
Dr. E. J. Crary states, "Selenium is the most potent broad-spectrum anticarcinogenic agent that has yet been discovered."
When selenium is added in trace amounts (1-4 ppm) to the diet of laboratory animals, it protects against a wide variety of carcinogens. There are many studies of large human populations that demonstrate the powerful anticancer benefits of this important essential trace mineral. There is also research indicating that selenium has potential as a chemotherapeutic agent to treat cancer.
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