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DISEASE STATES~ LYME DISEASE~ Can iodine therapy help?
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Iodine & lyme disease by wombat 18 year
Lyme disease: A Look Beyond Antibiotics
Klinghardt DK
"For a while selenium should be given in high doses to suppress viral replication and render bioavailable mercury non-reactive. The element most critical in the Lyme patient however is iodine....Filling up the body’s mineral reserves has always been the most essential part of our heavy metal detox program. It is also the most essential part of our Lyme treatment."
Viewed 32196 times
All wombat's Answers
Lyme disease: A Look Beyond Antibiotics
Klinghardt DK
"For a while selenium should be given in high doses to suppress viral replication and render bioavailable mercury non-reactive. The element most critical in the Lyme patient however is iodine....Filling up the body’s mineral reserves has always been the most essential part of our heavy metal detox program. It is also the most essential part of our Lyme treatment."
Viewed 32196 times
All wombat's Answers