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Can oil pulling help with dark circles around eyes?
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Oil Pulling and dark circles by Moontide 15 year
Often dark circles under one's eyes are a result of allergies, called "allergie shiners". Since oil pulling with coconut oil is supposed to greatly decrease allergies, surely this would be the reason so many people report a decrease in there dark circles.
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Often dark circles under one's eyes are a result of allergies, called "allergie shiners". Since oil pulling with coconut oil is supposed to greatly decrease allergies, surely this would be the reason so many people report a decrease in there dark circles.
Viewed 21066 times
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oil pulling and dark circles by missy74 18 year
i just read this website
it said that it definately will help with black circles..good luck...im starting tomorrow on the oil pulling, hope we both get great results.
Viewed 25530 times
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i just read this website
it said that it definately will help with black circles..good luck...im starting tomorrow on the oil pulling, hope we both get great results.
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