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My husband has non-Hodgkin lymphoma from Agent Orange in Vietnam. At present, he has a very large tumor with NHL cells in it, on his temple. Does anyone know if applying iodine to the tumor can get rid of it, and if so, what kind of iodine? I have read about several kinds, and am now confused. Need help. Thanks
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organic,virgin coconut oil for Agent Orange. by #130118 15 year 1 of 1 (100%)
My husband has the same thing. I give my husband one teaspoon of Organic Virgin Coconut Oil from the net or health food store. He takes it three times a day with food. More if it doesn't cause loose bowels. I also give it to him on Pepperege Farm cookiesand raisen bread.That is the only bread or cookies I let him eat, no bromide. I cook french toast, pancakes, cakes, and anything sweet with coconut oil. My husband got much better in three weeks. Also no margarine or spreads just give him butter. It is the medium chain fattyacids in the butter and coconut oil that does the trick . Good book from Tropical Traditions on the cures from coconut oil.I also give him one glass of purified water no chlorine no fluoride purification pitcher on amazon with 1 teaspoon of apple cidar vinegar and one teaspoon of honey plus one drop of Lugol's Iodine twice a week and vinegar and honey without Iodine every day. I only let him eat organic. I shop at farmer's markets and organic dairy also grass fed cows only. But the coconut oil is the most important. He learned of it from a retired military psych. counselor. God bless both of you.
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My husband has the same thing. I give my husband one teaspoon of Organic Virgin Coconut Oil from the net or health food store. He takes it three times a day with food. More if it doesn't cause loose bowels. I also give it to him on Pepperege Farm cookiesand raisen bread.That is the only bread or cookies I let him eat, no bromide. I cook french toast, pancakes, cakes, and anything sweet with coconut oil. My husband got much better in three weeks. Also no margarine or spreads just give him butter. It is the medium chain fattyacids in the butter and coconut oil that does the trick . Good book from Tropical Traditions on the cures from coconut oil.I also give him one glass of purified water no chlorine no fluoride purification pitcher on amazon with 1 teaspoon of apple cidar vinegar and one teaspoon of honey plus one drop of Lugol's Iodine twice a week and vinegar and honey without Iodine every day. I only let him eat organic. I shop at farmer's markets and organic dairy also grass fed cows only. But the coconut oil is the most important. He learned of it from a retired military psych. counselor. God bless both of you.
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