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On day 6 - planning on doing the 10 days - have a huge eating/drinking event to go to on day 13... HOW IMPORTANT IS IT TO EASE BACK IN AND CAN I SHORTEN THE PROCESS SO I'M READY BY DAY 13?
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ease into it? Also: Raw diet rather than Cleanse? by justgold79 17 year
You should definitely ease into it, or let everyone know you're fasting, if you can. That's a tough situation, but is it more important than your health?
Also has anyone cleansed themself through a raw diet and without fasting altogether? I can never stick with the cleanse because I have Attention Deficit Disorder really bad. Really.
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You should definitely ease into it, or let everyone know you're fasting, if you can. That's a tough situation, but is it more important than your health?
Also has anyone cleansed themself through a raw diet and without fasting altogether? I can never stick with the cleanse because I have Attention Deficit Disorder really bad. Really.
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