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I'm on 10th day and my tung still is so white, they say if still white myabe continue longer? i am ready to quit, lost 5#, should i continue?
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Well for better results and for safest way on your cleansing by dexcarlos 14 year
Yeah. I think youre right meggy. Well for better results and for safest way on your cleansing, you better consult Peter Glickman's Lose Weight, Have More Energy & Be Happy in 10 Days.
Viewed 12524 times
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Yeah. I think youre right meggy. Well for better results and for safest way on your cleansing, you better consult Peter Glickman's Lose Weight, Have More Energy & Be Happy in 10 Days.
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I wouldn't quit if I were you by Meggy Sue 15 year
The white tongue indicates the body is excreting toxins and poisons. Maybe there was a lot of cleansing needed.
I'd continue if I were you. You won't lose any more weight if you don't need to. If you're concerned about that, you can increase the maple syrup. That's suggested for people who want to gain. Your energy should be good at this time, so if you're not having any problems I'd suggest you stick to it. Maybe in a few more days you'll have a healthy, pink tongue! Good luck!
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The white tongue indicates the body is excreting toxins and poisons. Maybe there was a lot of cleansing needed.
I'd continue if I were you. You won't lose any more weight if you don't need to. If you're concerned about that, you can increase the maple syrup. That's suggested for people who want to gain. Your energy should be good at this time, so if you're not having any problems I'd suggest you stick to it. Maybe in a few more days you'll have a healthy, pink tongue! Good luck!
Viewed 12865 times
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