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Why lab tests almost always come back negative in mercury toxic people?

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here's why   by kauffman   16 year 1 of 1 (100%)

mercury doesn't seem to obey the common laws of physics! it's the most poisonous substance that exists & is even found in the low energy bulbs. it's doesn't behave like any normal solid, liquid or gas. http:// %¤#&!§- has more info.
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Those tests can only measure mercury inside urine and blood!   by entrance_to_reality   19 year 4 of 4 (100%)

Why lab tests always come back negative in mercury toxic people?

That's because those tests can only measure mercury inside urine and blood, but not inside tissues. They're only useful when a person is exposed to a lot of mercury in a relatively short time. Imagine if there's a mercury spill in a building. Those people who are present at the site of a spill inhale huge amounts of mercury in a short time. The inhaled mercury gets fast in their blood and urine, but not inside tissue cells because the cell membranes are keeping most of it out.

So in those people lab tests do come back positive because mercury is still present in their blood and urine. Here we're talking about acute poisoning, where a person has a lot of mercury in blood and urine but almost none inside the tissues.

Like I said, that's because cell membranes are keeping it out. However, they're not 100% successful in doing this. Some mercury does cross the membranes and accumulates inside the cells. But in order for cells to fill up to such extent that a person gets sick, one would have to be exposed to mercury for a long time. And that's exactly what's happening in case of dental amalgam.

Here is the patient exposed to relatively small amounts but for a very long time, which makes it possible for mercury to leak inside the tissue cells and fill them up. And this is what's called chronic mercury poisoning, where the patient has a lot of mercury inside tissues but almost none in his blood and urine.

That's why lab tests never come back positive and patients never get diagnosed correctly. Doctors are only familiar with acute poisoning, but acute and chronic mercury poisoning are two completely opposite stories.

Why do you think it took such a long time before they realized it was mercury that was making Minamata villagers sick?!

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Mercury, toxicity, laboratory tests   by FocusOnHealth   11 year 1 of 1 (100%)

The implication that lab tests are almost always useless in mercury-toxic people is simply not true.

And it's also untrue that HAIR ANALYSES won't show any excretion of any mercury, if you're mercury-toxic.

Through local health food stores I ordered many hair analyses many times and in many cities. And ALL of my hair analyses were excellent. They detected even a heavy metal (titanium) in the sunscreen I was using at the time.

Medical labs ARE also able to measure a portion of your mercury load. What they CAN measure is the rate of excretion. And the rate of excretion is never zero in mercury-toxic people.

The rate of excretion depends on many things.

Your test results will ALSO depend on what kind of lab test it is. What I'd recommend is the 24-hour urine test.

The problem is NOT that the medical lab is unable to detect your mercury load.

The real problems are the arbitrarily established reference ranges. The problem is the LAB (that is their management team), because they arbitrarily decide what is "normal" and what is not.

For example, one lab may arbitrarily decide that, as to a 24-hour urine test, your rate of mercury excretion should be LESS than 160 mcg -- when, if you really think about it, anything more than ZERO should be a reason for concern.

A few years ago, with 6 or 8 Amalgam fillings and no fish or seafood on the menu, my medical lab detected 60 mcg Hg over 24 hours, in a 24-hour urine test.

A week later, right after replacing all of my Amalgam fillings, the lab thought something was wrong when they measured zero (0) mcg Hg in an identical 24-hour urine test.

The topic of medical labs is a fascinating subject because they have a tremendous power to influence your doctor. And, thanks to the typical medical lab, you can and will waste a lot of money on medical doctors who will have a convenient excuse. Thanks to the typical medical lab, MDs can conceal their ignorance, collect your $500, AND at the same dismiss you by saying, "The lab tests are negative!" See

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Testing for heavy metals   by joegrane   9 year 1 of 1 (100%)

Boyd Haley and others describe mercury toxicity as a retention toxicity. Heavy metals are retained in vulnerable parts of the body--lead in bone, inorganic mercury in the brain--not in blood or urine.

Haley comments on this at @13 minutes in this video.

Reduced Levels of Mercury in First Baby Haircuts of Autistic Children Amy Holmes, Boyd E. Haley...
The highly autistic young children typically showed very low mercury in the hair. In contrast, healthy children showed levels of mercury in hair that were consistent with the mother's level of exposure to mercury.

Levels of blood Glutathione levels

Mercury Toxicity and Neurological Diseases

Urine Porphyrins test looks for the effects of heavy metals.

Unfortunately the porphyrins test seems to be vulnerable to false negatives when the sample has been mishandled. A Cutler has addressed this issue in his interview with Mark Schauss and elsewhere.

A Cutler has a theory on how mercury affects levels of other elements in a hair test. This discussion contains an early version of his theory and comments by a noted autism doctor.

Essentially with Cutler's "Rules" you are looking for statistical anomalies--strange looking hair tests that suggest abnormal mineral transport.

These tests are examples of those that match one or more of Cutler's Rules.
You don't really think this two-year-old has levels of toxins in the body that match the off the chart levels in hair.

Chris Shade, PhD Chemistry explains his new testing for mercury.
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Hair Tests Ineffective for Mercury Poisoning from Amalgams   by hotelnomore   11 year 1 of 1 (100%)

"You can have 30 amalgams, but if you eat no fish, you will have no mercury in your hair"

that is, the kind of mercury that is in Amalgams is different from the kind that is detected in hair tests

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even hair test useless ...   by hotelnomore   11 year 1 of 1 (100%)

Note that even hair analysis tests do not detect poisoning from mercury Amalgam fillings (ie. inorganic mercury)

"You can have 30 amalgams, but if you eat no fish, you will have no mercury in your hair"

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