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Day 4 of MC, i have only had liquid movements since i started as if i am only expelling the liquids i am ingesting. i was expecting significant solid movements daily the shape of my intestines! how do i know i am expelling toxins? does this mean i am doing it wrong or that i have no toxins to expel!? please help soon so i can know if i need to abort for health reasons...
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Before you quit, Better consult Peter Glickman's Book! by dexcarlos 14 year
I agree to his/her opinion. But did you ever consult Peter Glickman's book, Lose Weight, Have More Energy & Be Happier in 10 days? Hopefully you can find your answer in this book. It's fun and easy to read. But if you never find the answer, you better stop. Gudluck to you! :)
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I agree to his/her opinion. But did you ever consult Peter Glickman's book, Lose Weight, Have More Energy & Be Happier in 10 days? Hopefully you can find your answer in this book. It's fun and easy to read. But if you never find the answer, you better stop. Gudluck to you! :)
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if you don't feel its working stop by cacaolover 15 year
can I share with you from experience my sincere and honest advice. I have practiced several cleansing techniques hoping for some kind of transformation and was sorely disappointed. The best way to evaluate any practice is based on how it makes you feel emotionally. Also if its causing you severe discomfort physically then it is also wise to stop. At the end of the day its your choice and this my opinion based on 10 days of Master-Cleanse and other cleansing diets. I am now looking to just eat as natural a diet as possible one similar to what hunter gatherers ate. Good luck whatever decision you make.
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can I share with you from experience my sincere and honest advice. I have practiced several cleansing techniques hoping for some kind of transformation and was sorely disappointed. The best way to evaluate any practice is based on how it makes you feel emotionally. Also if its causing you severe discomfort physically then it is also wise to stop. At the end of the day its your choice and this my opinion based on 10 days of Master-Cleanse and other cleansing diets. I am now looking to just eat as natural a diet as possible one similar to what hunter gatherers ate. Good luck whatever decision you make.
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