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Parasite Treatments Efficacy Results
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12 Which of the next diets are closest to your average daily diet? 
  Allowed selection of more then one option!
0 Omnivore: I eat everything, all food groups, all foods. I never read lables nor do I care what I eat. 1 of 9 11%
0 Omnivore: I eat all food groups, but I care: I avoid industrially processed foods. 2 of 9 22%
0 Traditional Diet (Nourishing Traditions) 2 of 9 22%
3 Vegetarian + fish + eggs, I avoid dairy and eat meat only rarely; must be organic, preferably wild 1 of 9 11%
11 Gluten-Free Diet 1 of 9 11%
23 Standard American Diet 2 of 9 22%
46 Organic food 3 of 9 33%
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Number of participants who started this survey:15  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:60%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:60%

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Clarkia Parasites Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanse

Candida Detox
Mucoid plaque = Parasites = Candida
Remove them all!

End Constipation Now
Let oxygen remove old, impacted fecal matter as it detoxifies and...

Clarkia Parasites Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanse

Candida Detox
Mucoid plaque = Parasites = Candida
Remove them all!

End Constipation Now
Let oxygen remove old, impacted fecal matter as it detoxifies and...



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