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The Liver Flush Survey Results
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81 What foods do you consume?  
  Allowed selection of more then one option!
1 All 83 of 477 17%
2 None 3 of 477 1%
3 Beans and legumes: Beans, Peas, Lentils, Soy, Kidney, ... 298 of 477 62%
4 Berries 329 of 477 69%
5 Caned food 108 of 477 23%
6 Cider Vinegars: Homemade 32 of 477 7%
7 Cider Vinegars: Industrially produced 112 of 477 23%
8 Drinks: Alcohol Drinks 122 of 477 26%
9 Drinks: Coffee 142 of 477 30%
10 Drinks: Pop drinks: Coca Cola, Pepsi, Fanta... other carbonated drinks 59 of 477 12%
10 Drinks: Protein Drinks 44 of 477 9%
11 Drinks: Tea 240 of 477 50%
12 Eggs and egg products 286 of 477 60%
13 Fish: Fresh Water 189 of 477 40%
14 Fish: Sea Fish 251 of 477 53%
15 Fruits 366 of 477 77%
16 Grains: Gluten Free 112 of 477 23%
17 Grains: Products like Flour, Bread, Bulghur, CousCous, Nudles, Pais 153 of 477 32%
18 Grains: Whole Grains 268 of 477 56%
19 Herbs: Spices (black pepper, chillie, parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, ...) 317 of 477 66%
20 Herbs: Herbs and herbal teas and tinctures and supplements 188 of 477 39%
21 Meat: Cured meat products 65 of 477 14%
22 Meat: Dark Meat Fowl (poultry): duck, goose 102 of 477 21%
23 Meat: Meat from wild animals 43 of 477 9%
24 Meat: Red Meat (beef,lam, pork, ... ) 207 of 477 43%
25 Meat: White Meat Fowl (poultry): chicken, turkey 255 of 477 53%
26 Milk: Goat Milk 33 of 477 7%
27 Milk: Pasteurized and Homogenized Cow Milk 116 of 477 24%
28 Milk: Products: Cheese (Cow Milk) 174 of 477 36%
29 Milk: Fermented Milk Products, Pasteurized, yogurt, sour cream, kefir, ... 149 of 477 31%
30 Milk: Fermented Milk Products, UN-Pasteurized, UN-Homogenized 26 of 477 5%
31 Milk: Raw Milk (UN-Pasteurized, UN-Homogenized) (Cow Milk) 30 of 477 6%
32 Nuts (haselnut, walnut, almond, brasil nut, ... ) 302 of 477 63%
33 Seaweed: Walkame, Nori, Kombu, Irish Moss, Arame, Hijiki, Agar-Agar 155 of 477 32%
34 Shellfish: Crab, Mussel, Crawfish, Clam, Lobster, Oyster, Scallops, Shrimps 136 of 477 29%
35 Sweeteners: Artificial Sweeteners Aspartame 19 of 477 4%
36 Sweeteners: Artificial Sweeteners sorbitol 5 of 477 1%
37 Sweeteners: Artificial Sweeteners Sucralose 11 of 477 2%
38 Sweeteners: Artificial Sweeteners xylitol 16 of 477 3%
39 Sweeteners: Barley or Rice malt 22 of 477 5%
40 Sweeteners: Corn Syrup 19 of 477 4%
41 Sweeteners: Heated Honey 32 of 477 7%
42 Sweeteners: Raw Honey 189 of 477 40%
43 Sweeteners: Sugar 117 of 477 25%
44 Vegetable: Cultured vegetables homemade, unpasteurized 104 of 477 22%
45 Vegetable: Leafy Vegetable 366 of 477 77%
46 Vegetable: Nightshade: Potatoes, Tomatoes, Peppers, Eggplant 300 of 477 63%
47 Vegetable: Root Vegetable: carrots, celery, parsley, beetroot, redbeet, 351 of 477 74%
48 Vegetable: Other 166 of 477 35%
Previous Question 81 of 93 Next Question
Number of participants who started this survey:1217  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:348 29%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:477 39%

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