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The Liver Flush Survey Results
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80 Which of the next diets are closest to your average daily diet? 
  Allowed selection of more then one option!
0 Omnivore: I eat everything, all food groups, all foods. I never read lables nor do I care what I eat. 28 of 493 6%
0 Omnivore: I eat all food groups, but I care: I avoid industrially processed foods. 251 of 493 51%
0 Omnivore: Raw - Omnivore: I eat foods from all fods groups, but no cooking, no fire. 5 of 493 1%
0 Traditional Diet (Nourishing Traditions) 31 of 493 6%
1 Liquidarian: I drink liquids only, no solid food. 1 of 493 0%
2 Fruitarian: I eat fruits only. 3 of 493 1%
3 Vegan: Raw - Vegan: I avoid all animal products, and I avoid cooked foods. 17 of 493 3%
3 Vegan: Vegetarian without milk or eggs. I avoid all animal products 27 of 493 5%
3 Vegetarian + milk + eggs = Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian (I avoid meat, fish) 16 of 493 3%
3 Vegetarian + fish + milk + eggs ( I avoid meat) 33 of 493 7%
3 Vegetarian + milk = Lacto Vegetarian: I eat plants and milk/milk products 10 of 493 2%
3 Vegetarian Hygienists Diet 2 of 493 0%
3 Vegetarian + fish ( I avoid milk or eggs ) 12 of 493 2%
3 Vegetarian + Yoghurt (lacto veetarian but I avoid milk in its original form. I have yoghurt) 3 of 493 1%
3 Vegetarian + fish + eggs, I avoid dairy and eat meat only rarely; must be organic, preferably wild 15 of 493 3%
4 Lactose Free Diet 30 of 493 6%
4 Milk Free: I avoid all milk and dairy 33 of 493 7%
5 Blood Type Diet A B O AB (ER4YT) by Peter J. D'Adamo 26 of 493 5%
6 Alkaline/Acid or pH balancing diet 28 of 493 6%
7 Atkins Diet (Low Carb Diet) 17 of 493 3%
8 Ayurveda Diet 6 of 493 1%
10 Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates 7 of 493 1%
11 Gluten-Free Diet 38 of 493 8%
16 Metabolic Typing Diet 4 of 493 1%
21 Raw-Paleolithic Diet 3 of 493 1%
22 South Beach Diet (Low Carb Diet) 6 of 493 1%
23 Standard American Diet 12 of 493 2%
24 No Grain Diet: I eliminated grains from diet (Low Carb Diet) 11 of 493 2%
24 Sugar Busters Diet 2 of 493 0%
24 Carbohydrate Addicts Diet 2 of 493 0%
24 Low grain 11 of 493 2%
26 Garden of Eden Diet 2 of 493 0%
27 Ketogenic Diet 3 of 493 1%
28 Macrobiotic Diet 5 of 493 1%
29 Maker's Diet by Jordan S. Rubin 12 of 493 2%
31 Paleo Diet (Stone Age Diet): I avoid milk, carbs and grains. 9 of 493 2%
32 Specific Carbohydrate Diet™ (SCD™) by Elaine Gottschall 2 of 493 0%
33 Warrior Diet 1 of 493 0%
34 Zone Diet 2 of 493 0%
41 I Just try to eat a healthy, common-sense low-fat, low-carb diet. 37 of 493 8%
42 Weight Watchers Diet 2 of 493 0%
43 Food Combination Diet 8 of 493 2%
44 Low Fat Diet 13 of 493 3%
46 Organic food 60 of 493 12%
48 Fat Flush Plan 2 of 493 0%
52 Glycemic Index Plan 6 of 493 1%
53 Diabetic diet 3 of 493 1%
57 Mediteranean diet 9 of 493 2%
67 Fish 3 times a week 10 of 493 2%
69 Bowflex diet 1 of 493 0%
71 Montignac diet (separate carbs and fats) 1 of 493 0%
Previous Question 80 of 93 Next Question
Number of participants who started this survey:1217  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:348 29%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:493 41%

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