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Master Cleanse Survey Results
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75 Religion 
0 Not Religeous: Atheist / Secular / Irreligious / Agnostic 24 of 209 11.5%
0 I believe in God but I don't belong to any religion 43 of 209 20.6%
3 Christianity: Protestantism: Baptists, Church of Christ, Church of England, Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Seventh-Day Adventist, United Church of Christ, Mormons, Quakers, Unitarian Universalist Association, etc. 38 of 209 18.2%
4 Christianity: Roman Catholicism 16 of 209 7.7%
5 Christianity: Anglican 1 of 209 0.5%
5 Christianity: Evangelical 4 of 209 1.9%
6 Christianity: Orthodox Christian Church 2 of 209 1.0%
8 Christianity: Other Christians 7 of 209 3.3%
9 Christianity: Non-Denominational 8 of 209 3.8%
19 Hinduism Vaishnavism 1 of 209 0.5%
23 Buddhism: Mahayana 1 of 209 0.5%
24 Buddhism: Tibetan 2 of 209 1.0%
31 Judaism 1 of 209 0.5%
40 Neopaganism (Wicca, Magik, Druidry, ...) 2 of 209 1.0%
42 Unitarian Universalism 1 of 209 0.5%
44 Scientology 1 of 209 0.5%
45 Jehovah's Witness 3 of 209 1.4%
48 Unspecified 3 of 209 1.4%
49 Spiritual Jesus Born Again 1 of 209 0.5%
70 Taoism 2 of 209 1.0%
70 I really try not to label my personal relatinship with God 7 of 209 3.3%
70 12 step programs 1 of 209 0.5%
70 ACIM (A Course in Miracles) 1 of 209 0.5%
70 Monistic idealistic relativistic believer in all pervasive deity = consciousness itself 1 of 209 0.5%
70 Budhist in training - Catholic recovering. 2 of 209 1.0%
70 Godfearfing and still exploring 2 of 209 1.0%
70 Spiritual - still exploring 10 of 209 4.8%
100 Other 3 of 209 1.4%
Previous Question 75 of 80 Next Question
Number of participants who started this survey:676  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:101 15%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:209 31%

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