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The Liver Flush Survey Results
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All Survey Questions (93) 
1 Have you regretted doing liver flushes?
2 Health? Your health BEFORE you started liver flushing? Have you suffered from any frequent symptoms, chronic conditions or ailments before you started liver flushing? Answer the question with yes or no. If yes, select also all options that apply.
3 Minor Health Problems? Have you experienced any minor symptoms or temporary health issues that appeared or worsened while flushing and disappeared day or two after a liver flush? Answer the question with yes or no. If yes, select all symptoms that apply.
4 Major Health Problems? Have you experienced any major symptoms or serious health problems that appeared or worsened during a liver flush, or days following flushing? Answer the question with yes or no. If yes, select all those symptoms that were major or persisted longer time.
5 Worse? Have you experienced worsening or appearance of any of the symptoms or ailments since flushing? Answer the question with yes or no. If yes, select only those symptoms or ailments that persisted longer or are still present.
6 "Cure"? Have you experienced any "cure" after liver flushing? Any physical symptoms or ailments that disappeared after a liver flush? Answer the question with yes or no. If yes, then please select all symptoms or ailments that apply.
7 Improvement? Have you experienced any noticeable health improvement since liver flushing? Answer the question with yes or no. If yes, select symptoms that improved but are still not fully cured.
8 Flushing as a Treatment? Do you regularly (or from time to time) treat any symptoms or ailments with liver flushing? Answer the question with yes or no. If yes, select all symptoms or ailments that are significantly improved or cured after a flush, but may re-appear some weeks or months later.
9 Unchanged? Have any of your physical symptoms or ailments remained unchanged since liver flushing? (Did not improve, did not get worse.) Answer the question with yes or no. If yes, select all symptoms or ailments that remained unchanged.
10 Number of flushes completed until today?
11 Time elapsed since your first flush?
12 Reason to flush? What was the main reason you started liver flushing?
13 How many times did you flush before you achieved your goal?
14 Do you collect/examine your "stones"? How?
15 "Stones" I flushed out looked more like this:
16 "Stones" count? Select the LARGEST NUMBER of "stones" larger then 1 mm counted or collected after a single flush?
17 "Stones" count? Select the "stone" counts that you got on different flushes:
18 No "Stones"? Have you ever had a flush with no "stones"? If yes, select all flushes when it happened?
19 Hard "Stone"? Have you ever gotten a very hard "stone"? "Stone" that could not be cut with a kitchen knife?
20 Hard "Stone"? How many people do you know who passed hard "stones"? ("stones" that could not be cut with a kitchen knife)?
21 Soft "Stone"? Have you ever gotten a very soft "stone", gelatinous "stone", a "stone" that would melt and liquefy in your hands when you would touch it?
22 Largest "Stone"? What was the size of the largest "stone" you have ever collected after a flush? (measure longest diagonal)
23 Largest Volume? What was the largest volume of "stones" you have ever collected on a single flush?
24 First Contact? How did you first time learn about a liver flush?
25 First Reaction? What was the first reaction/first thought you had when you heared/learned about liver flushing?
26 Fear? Have you been afraid to flush (the first time)?
27 Opinion? Have you changed your opinion about liver flushing since you started flusing?
28 Reactions of Family Members? What were reactions of your family members when you told them that you are going to flush your liver?
29 MD's Reactions? What were reactions of your Medical Doctors (MDs) when you told them/him/her that you are going to do a liver flush?
30 Therapist's Reaction? What were reactions of your alt-med health professionals (naturopath, herbalist, chiropractor, healer, TCM therapist, ... ) when you told them that you are going to try a liver flush?
31 Reactions of your Friends? What were the most common reactions of your friends when you told them that you are going to flush your liver?
32 Medications? What medications or therapies or diagnostic procedures have you taken/undertaken days or weeks before a liver flush. Anything the same day of the liver flush?
33 Bowel Movements? What was the average number of "NATURAL" bowel movements you have had before you started flushing?
34 Bowel Movements? What was the average number of INDUCED bowel movements you have had before you started flushing?
35 Bowel Movements? What is the average number of "NATURAL" bowel movements today, after you flushed your liver?
36 Recipe? What Liver Flush recipes have you tried until today? Links provided give details on each recipe.
37 Recipe? Favourite Liver Flush Recipe? Your favourite liver flush recipe?
38 Recipe? What are the least attractive Liver Flush recipes listed on this page, if any? Links provided give details on each recipe.
39 Oil? What oil do you prefer when flushing liver?
40 Gallbladder? Do you still have your gallbladder?
41 Gallstones? Have you been diagnosed with Gallstones? Size?
42 Have you tried to promote liver flushing between your friends and/or relatives?
43 How many of your family members and close relatives tried liver flush? (do not count yourself)
44 How many people who you personally know, tried liver flush? (Include friends, neighbors, ....) (Exclude relatives and family members included in the previous question. Exclude people you know only from online forums/chat-rooms)
45 "Stones" origine? Where do you believe flushed "stones" are originally formed? Where do they come from? Are they gallstones?
46 How close to one another have you done 2 or several consecutive flushes?
47 How strictly do you follow liver flushing protocol, when it comes to time, dose, going to sleep, drinking potions, ...?
48 Have you changed your body weight since you started flushing?
49 How do you rate Liver Flush as a home remedy on the scale 0 to 5?
50 Bowel Cleanse? Did you complete a "thorough" bowel cleanse BEFORE doing liver flushing or between flushes?
51 Bowel Cleanse? If you used any remedy or product for intestinal cleansing, please select all that apply:
52 Coffee Enema? Do you take coffee enemas?
53 Parasites Killing Remedies? Have you used any herbs or remedies claiming to help rid body of parasites?
54 Parasites Killing Remedies? Select the ones that you used:
55 Electronic Devices? Have you used any electronic devices before flushing?
56 Electronic Devices While Flushing? What electronic devices have you used?
57 Kidney Stones Remedies? Have you used any remedies claiming to help rid body of kidney stones before flushing?
58 Kidney Stones Remedies? What remedies have you used?
59 Remedies for Breaking/Softening Gallstones? Have you used any remedies claiming to help break or soften gallstones?
60 Gallstones Breaking/Softening Remedies? What remedies have you used?
61 Other Remedies and Therapies: What other remedies/therapies did you use during the same weeks when liver flushing?
62 Do you believe that flush could one day become a mainstream treatment for some of the health problems mentioned in this survey?
63 Do you still have your Appendix?
64 Select some of the ways you felt after some of your liver flushes:
65 Stone Analyzed? Have you ever sent your stones to a Laboratory for analysis?
66 Date Of Birth
67 Body Height
68 Body Weight
69 Country where you live?
70 Gender (Sex)
71 Who are you attracted to?
72 How many children do you have?
73 How many siblings do you have?
74 Ethnicity
75 Natural Hair Color
76 Eye Color
77 Blood Type
78 Level of physical activity?
79 Which of the next activities do you practice at least once every week?
80 Which of the next diets are closest to your average daily diet?
81 What foods do you consume?
82 What is the average percentage of RAW food in your diet, by volume?
83 What is your average daily intake of pure water?
84 What vaccines have you received since birth?
85 The highest educational level achieved?
86 Smoking Habits
87 Marital Status
88 Religion
89 Latitude of the place where you live now?
90 Latitude of the place where you were born?
91 Time Zone where you live now?
92 Climate of the place where you live now?
93 Climate of the place where you were born?
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