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Dr. Javier Morales Survey Results
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5  How did you find about Dr. Javier Morales P. and/or Dr. Edgar Montano (in Tijuana)? 

You can select more than one option:
1 8.0% ( 2 of 25 )

Email groups on YahooGroups   ...explanations [1]
2 28.0% ( 7 of 25 )

A friend recommended it to me   ...explanations [1]
3 52.0% ( 13 of 25 )

A referral by Torrie Crocker   ...explanations [5]
4 16.0% ( 4 of 25 )

CureZone Forums   ...explanations [2]
5 16.0% ( 4 of 25 )

Other forums on the WWW   ...explanations [1]
6 4.0% ( 1 of 25 )

Online search
7 4.0% ( 1 of 25 )

Review of Morales/Montano website
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Number of participants who started this survey:26  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:24 92%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:25 96%

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