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Dr. Javier Morales Survey Results
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1  Have you ever had any dental work done by Dr. Javier Morales P. or Dr. Edgar Montano (in Tijuana, Mexico)? 
1 88.5% ( 23 of 26 )

Yes. If you select this option, please give more details inside the text box below. Your explanation should contain: Year or years when you visited the clinic, and all dental work that was done.   ...explanations [19]
2 11.5% ( 3 of 26 )

No. If you have never been a patient of Dr. Javier Morales P. or Dr. Edgar Montano, please click here to view survey results. You should not submit your answers to this survey! You are on the wrong page! [?]
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Number of participants who started this survey:26  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:24 92%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:26 100%

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