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The Liver Flush Survey Results
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58  Kidney Stones Remedies? What remedies have you used? 

You can select more than one option:
1 57.4% ( 283 of 493 )

None.   ...explanations [2]
2 12.6% ( 62 of 493 )

Hulda Clark's kidney cleaning recipe. [?]   ...explanations [2]
3 3.2% ( 16 of 493 )

Watermelon seed tea (by Edgar Cayce) [?]
4 0.4% ( 2 of 493 )

Watermelon Kidney Wash, night recipe (eating large amount (unlimited amount) of fresh watermelon from 2AM - 3AM while sitting and urinating inside a baththub filled with warm water) [?]
5 1.2% ( 6 of 493 )

Watermelon Kidney Wash, whole day recipe (eating large amount (unlimited amount) of fresh watermelon during the day while sitting and urinating inside a baththub filled with warm water) [?]
6 3.9% ( 19 of 493 )

Celery Seed Tea [?]
7 2.4% ( 12 of 493 )

Five-day Kidney Cleansing and Detoxification by Dr. Richard Schulze [?]   ...explanations [1]
8 1.2% ( 6 of 493 )

Corn-silk tea
9 3.9% ( 19 of 493 )

Parsley leaves and root tea
10 0.4% ( 2 of 493 )

Parsley seeds
11 9.3% ( 46 of 493 )

Andreas Moritz's kidney cleaning recipe [?]
12 6.5% ( 32 of 493 )

Juice Fasting [?]
13 0.8% ( 4 of 493 )

Ultimate Fast [?]
14 2.8% ( 14 of 493 )

Water Fasting [?]
15 2.4% ( 12 of 493 )

Chanca Piedra (Stone Breaker) (Phyllanthus urinaria L)
16 2.4% ( 12 of 493 )

Magnesium citrate
17 1.6% ( 8 of 493 )

Vitamin B-6
18 0.4% ( 2 of 493 )

Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)
19 1.6% ( 8 of 493 )

Cleavers (Galium aparine)
20 0.4% ( 2 of 493 )

Crampbark (Viburnum opulus)
21 2.6% ( 13 of 493 )

Gravel root (Eupatorium purpureum)
22 1.4% ( 7 of 493 )

Kava kava (Piper methysticum)
23 0.0% ( 0 of 493 )
Khella (Ammi visnagi)
24 0.0% ( 0 of 493 )
Seven barks (Hydrangea aborescens)
25 0.4% ( 2 of 493 )

Stone root (Collinsonia canadensis)
26 0.0% ( 0 of 493 )
Berberis vulgaris (Homeopathy)
27 0.0% ( 0 of 493 )
Cantharis (Homeopathy)
28 0.0% ( 0 of 493 )
Colocynthis (Homeopathy)
29 0.0% ( 0 of 493 )
Ocimum canum (Homeopathy)
30 0.2% ( 1 of 493 )

Pennyroyal (Homeopathy)
31 2.6% ( 13 of 493 )

Castor oil pack [?]
32 0.2% ( 1 of 493 )

Hot pack
33 0.2% ( 1 of 493 )

Hot vinegar pack
34 1.6% ( 8 of 493 )

Stinging Nettle Root
35 1.0% ( 5 of 493 )

Vigorous Walking
36 0.2% ( 1 of 493 )

Jump and Bump: Natural Kidney Stone Removal [?]
37 0.0% ( 0 of 493 )
Pipissewa (Chimaphila umbellata)
38 5.9% ( 29 of 493 )

The Master Cleanser (The Lemonade Diet) [?]
39 2.8% ( 14 of 493 )

Barefoot Herbalist Kidney Cleanse
40 0.4% ( 2 of 493 )

Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice and Coke
41 1.4% ( 7 of 493 )

Stone Free by Planetary Formula
42 2.0% ( 10 of 493 )

Unspecified   ...explanations [1]
43 0.8% ( 4 of 493 )

Julia Chang   ...explanations [1]
44 1.0% ( 5 of 493 )

Fresh parsley
45 4.5% ( 22 of 493 )

Cranberry juice
46 1.4% ( 7 of 493 )

Parsley juice
47 1.2% ( 6 of 493 )

Dr. Shultze Kidney cleanse
48 4.5% ( 22 of 493 )

Apple Cider Vinegar and Water
49 0.4% ( 2 of 493 )

Juniper berry infusion
50 0.2% ( 1 of 493 )

fennel seeds and birchsap/blueberrytonic 5 days twice a year
51 0.2% ( 1 of 493 )

Hilda Hemmes Kidney Bladder Mix Tea
52 0.2% ( 1 of 493 )

Avocado leaves tea, 1 gallon per day for 1 month
53 0.2% ( 1 of 493 )

stone breaker by Nature Farm
54 0.2% ( 1 of 493 )

cleansing or surgery gallbladder cleanse
55 0.4% ( 2 of 493 )

Baseline Nutritionals Stone Breaker
56 0.4% ( 2 of 493 )

57 1.0% ( 5 of 493 )

coconut water
58 0.4% ( 2 of 493 )

Fresh apple juice fast - 3-4 quarts a day
59 0.2% ( 1 of 493 )

Mikhail Tombak, Ph.D. Kidney Cleanse Recipe (See book "Can We Live 150 Years?")
60 0.8% ( 4 of 493 )

herbal tea, nettle and milk thistle
61 0.2% ( 1 of 493 )

old amish recipe
62 0.2% ( 1 of 493 )

Controlled Inner Cleansing by Joalis (vibrational detoxification)
63 0.2% ( 1 of 493 )

Herbs of Light Kidney/ Bladder formula liquid
64 0.4% ( 2 of 493 )

Distilled water
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Number of participants who started this survey:1217  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:348 29%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:493 41%

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