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Home > Knowledge Base > Alternative Medicine > Cleansing > Liver Flush > The Liver Flush Survey
The Liver Flush Survey Results
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52  Coffee Enema? Do you take coffee enemas? 
1 68.1% ( 350 of 514 )

No.   ...explanations [7]
2 7.2% ( 37 of 514 )

Yes regularly.   ...explanations [1]
3 23.5% ( 121 of 514 )

Yes sporadically.   ...explanations [9]
4 1.2% ( 6 of 514 )

Only the day of the flush as part of the 'recipe'. (William Donald Kelley's Liver Flush protocol) [?]   ...explanations [2]
Previous Question 52 of 93 Next Question
Number of participants who started this survey:1217  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:348 29%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:514 42%

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