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The Liver Flush Survey Results
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38  Recipe? What are the least attractive Liver Flush recipes listed on this page, if any? Links provided give details on each recipe. 

You can select more than one option:
1 43.9% ( 232 of 528 )

I don't know   ...explanations [3]
2 12.3% ( 65 of 528 )

They are all OK for me
3 2.3% ( 12 of 528 )

4 4.5% ( 24 of 528 )

Hulda Clark's Liver/Gallbladder Flush Recipe [?]   ...explanations [2]
5 0.9% ( 5 of 528 )

Andreas Moritz's Liver Flush recipe published in his book: "The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush" [?]
6 1.7% ( 9 of 528 )

Dr. Claude M. Lewis Liver Cleanse from his book: "Are you 'Stoned'?" [?]
7 1.9% ( 10 of 528 )

Liver Flush Protocol with Orthophosphoric Acid and apple juice [?]   ...explanations [1]
8 15.7% ( 83 of 528 )

Classic Coke Liver Flush [?]   ...explanations [3]
9 0.6% ( 3 of 528 )

Gallstones Cleanse from a book "Cleansing or Surgery" [?]   ...explanations [1]
10 13.1% ( 69 of 528 )

1 Pint Olive Oil Liver flush [1 pint = 2 cups] [?]   ...explanations [2]
11 3.4% ( 18 of 528 )

Liver & Gallbladder Flush - 7 day program [?]   ...explanations [1]
12 2.7% ( 14 of 528 )

Recipe told by grandma Nada [?]   ...explanations [1]
13 0.8% ( 4 of 528 )

William Donald Kelley's Liver Flush protocol, published in his book: "One Answer to Cancer" [?]
14 0.9% ( 5 of 528 )

Julia Chang's recipe published on [?]   ...explanations [1]
15 1.9% ( 10 of 528 )

The Liver Flush Recipe Without Epsom Salts From AskShelley.Com [?]   ...explanations [1]
16 11.6% ( 61 of 528 )

Raw Egg + Lime + Oil Liver Flush Recipe   ...explanations [3]
17 0.0% ( 0 of 528 )
Liver Flush Recipe published in "A Cancer Battle Plan Sourcebook: A Step-by-Step Health Program to Give Your Body a Fighting Chance" by David J. Frahm
18 1.9% ( 10 of 528 )

19 5.1% ( 27 of 528 )

Only know one of them   ...explanations [2]
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Number of participants who started this survey:1217  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:348 29%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:528 43%

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