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The Liver Flush Survey Results
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33  Bowel Movements? What was the average number of "NATURAL" bowel movements you have had before you started flushing? 

What is a "NATURAL" bowel movement? A "NATURAL" bowel movement is a bowel movement not induced by a laxative / remedy / medication / therapy. You can induced bowel movements with enema, laxative herbal tea, Epsom Salt, Magnesium Oxide, Magnesium Peroxide, drinking salt water, drinking large amount of water, eating a lot of fruit followed by a lot of water ... In this question we are trying to establish what was the average number of bowel movements that you have had without any laxative / treatment. Some people are addicted to laxatives or to enema and can not have a natural bowel movement. If you are one of those people, please select that option.
1 3.6% ( 19 of 529 )

I could not have a natural bowel movements. I always needed some laxative.   ...explanations [3]
2 1.3% ( 7 of 529 )

1 to 2 bowel movements in 2 weeks
3 1.7% ( 9 of 529 )

1 to 2 bowel movements per week
4 4.9% ( 26 of 529 )

2 - 3 bowel movements per week
5 10.6% ( 56 of 529 )

1 bowel movement every second day   ...explanations [2]
6 31.0% ( 164 of 529 )

1 bowel movement every day   ...explanations [3]
7 29.9% ( 158 of 529 )

1 to 2 bowel movements per day   ...explanations [2]
8 13.8% ( 73 of 529 )

2 to 3 bowel movements per day   ...explanations [1]
9 1.7% ( 9 of 529 )

3 to 4 bowel movements per day   ...explanations [1]
10 0.4% ( 2 of 529 )

4 to 5 bowel movements per day
11 1.1% ( 6 of 529 )

More then 5 bowel movements per day   ...explanations [1]
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Number of participants who started this survey:1217  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:348 29%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:529 43%

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