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The Liver Flush Survey Results
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28  Reactions of Family Members? What were reactions of your family members when you told them that you are going to flush your liver? 

You can select more than one option:
1 7.7% ( 42 of 542 )

Extremely unsupportive and extremely skeptical (Totally freaked out)   ...explanations [2]
2 21.6% ( 117 of 542 )

Generally unsupportive and skeptical (Generally grossed out)   ...explanations [9]
3 16.6% ( 90 of 542 )

Indifferent, uninterested, impartial.   ...explanations [5]
4 34.7% ( 188 of 542 )

Generally supportive but skeptical.   ...explanations [5]
5 19.7% ( 107 of 542 )

Generally supportive and optimistic.   ...explanations [2]
6 8.1% ( 44 of 542 )

Extremely supportive and extremely optimistic.   ...explanations [7]
7 12.0% ( 65 of 542 )

I have not discussed flush with my family.   ...explanations [3]
8 1.3% ( 7 of 542 )

I have no family.
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Number of participants who started this survey:1217  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:348 29%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:542 45%

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