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Master Cleanse Survey Results
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5  Did you encounter any problems while fasting? What problems? Answer the question with yes or no. If yes, select all that apply: 

You can select more than one option:
1 50.2% ( 239 of 476 )

Yes. I will select below:   ...explanations [24]
2 13.2% ( 63 of 476 )

No. None.   ...explanations [2]
3 45.8% ( 218 of 476 )

Hunger.   ...explanations [24]
4 15.5% ( 74 of 476 )

Abdominal cramps.   ...explanations [5]
5 18.5% ( 88 of 476 )

Dizziness.   ...explanations [10]
6 35.3% ( 168 of 476 )

Cold feeling. Cold extremities. Cold feet.   ...explanations [15]
7 21.8% ( 104 of 476 )

Mood swings.   ...explanations [15]
8 1.9% ( 9 of 476 )

Candida.   ...explanations [2]
9 0.6% ( 3 of 476 )

10 0.4% ( 2 of 476 )

Psoriasis.   ...explanations [1]
11 8.2% ( 39 of 476 )

Acne.   ...explanations [6]
12 5.9% ( 28 of 476 )

Common Cold.   ...explanations [4]
13 8.8% ( 42 of 476 )

Dry Skinn.   ...explanations [4]
14 8.8% ( 42 of 476 )

Bowel problems   ...explanations [4]
15 1.3% ( 6 of 476 )

Hair loss   ...explanations [2]
16 40.1% ( 191 of 476 )

Headaches in the beginning   ...explanations [18]
17 6.3% ( 30 of 476 )

Irregular Menstruation   ...explanations [3]
18 7.8% ( 37 of 476 )

Headaches throughout the fast.   ...explanations [6]
19 19.7% ( 94 of 476 )

Weakness   ...explanations [12]
20 13.0% ( 62 of 476 )

Difficulty focusing or concentrating, lack of concentration   ...explanations [11]
21 13.0% ( 62 of 476 )

Back ache and muscle pain   ...explanations [8]
22 24.2% ( 115 of 476 )

Fatigue   ...explanations [17]
23 1.3% ( 6 of 476 )

Nausea (from Gall Bladder attack...I had never has this before the master cleanser fast)   ...explanations [1]
24 2.9% ( 14 of 476 )

25 20.6% ( 98 of 476 )

Terrible breath   ...explanations [7]
26 3.6% ( 17 of 476 )

Oily hair and skin   ...explanations [4]
27 4.2% ( 20 of 476 )

insomia   ...explanations [2]
28 8.4% ( 40 of 476 )

intestinal gas   ...explanations [1]
29 0.8% ( 4 of 476 )

extremely low blood pressure   ...explanations [1]
30 10.1% ( 48 of 476 )

Sensitive Teeth   ...explanations [8]
31 0.8% ( 4 of 476 )

solar plexus / diaphram spasm
32 2.3% ( 11 of 476 )

vomiting/dry heaves   ...explanations [3]
33 1.7% ( 8 of 476 )

Liver/Gallbladder area pain   ...explanations [2]
34 12.8% ( 61 of 476 )

boredom   ...explanations [5]
35 4.2% ( 20 of 476 )

constipation   ...explanations [3]
36 0.6% ( 3 of 476 )

lymph backup   ...explanations [2]
37 12.6% ( 60 of 476 )

Caffine withdrawal symptoms (headache)   ...explanations [6]
38 15.3% ( 73 of 476 )

Wakened during night because of laxative tea   ...explanations [7]
39 4.8% ( 23 of 476 )

Skin Eruptions   ...explanations [6]
40 10.3% ( 49 of 476 )

Mucuous Discharge   ...explanations [6]
41 30.9% ( 147 of 476 )

coated tongue   ...explanations [12]
42 6.1% ( 29 of 476 )

excess thick saliva   ...explanations [1]
43 4.6% ( 22 of 476 )

Sore Throat
44 5.9% ( 28 of 476 )

difficulty sleeping at night   ...explanations [3]
45 4.6% ( 22 of 476 )

waking frequently throughout the night   ...explanations [2]
46 19.3% ( 92 of 476 )

incredible energy   ...explanations [8]
47 12.0% ( 57 of 476 )

feeling of eupforia   ...explanations [3]
48 0.8% ( 4 of 476 )

snoring stopped   ...explanations [1]
49 8.6% ( 41 of 476 )

sinuses/head cleared   ...explanations [5]
50 0.6% ( 3 of 476 )

51 1.7% ( 8 of 476 )

lost too much weight
52 5.5% ( 26 of 476 )

sleeping patterns regulated   ...explanations [4]
53 3.8% ( 18 of 476 )

cellulite disappeared   ...explanations [4]
54 5.5% ( 26 of 476 )

mucoid plaque started to pass   ...explanations [5]
55 7.8% ( 37 of 476 )

depression lifted   ...explanations [4]
56 12.8% ( 61 of 476 )

more energy for school and work and exercise   ...explanations [6]
57 13.9% ( 66 of 476 )

improved focus and concentration   ...explanations [7]
58 1.7% ( 8 of 476 )

canker sores   ...explanations [2]
59 8.2% ( 39 of 476 )

vivid dreams   ...explanations [6]
60 5.9% ( 28 of 476 )

relaxation   ...explanations [5]
61 9.2% ( 44 of 476 )

decrease in stress levels   ...explanations [8]
62 12.2% ( 58 of 476 )

increased sense of smell   ...explanations [9]
63 3.2% ( 15 of 476 )

achy joints   ...explanations [5]
64 3.2% ( 15 of 476 )

vision cleared   ...explanations [4]
65 2.3% ( 11 of 476 )

lost the craving for nicotine   ...explanations [1]
66 2.3% ( 11 of 476 )

joints, particularly knees, felt years younger   ...explanations [2]
67 7.6% ( 36 of 476 )

Coated tongue.   ...explanations [7]
68 5.3% ( 25 of 476 )

Bad breath.   ...explanations [4]
69 0.4% ( 2 of 476 )

Tonsil stones passed from throat -- so many!   ...explanations [1]
70 2.3% ( 11 of 476 )

Sinuses clearing up so much!   ...explanations [1]
71 1.3% ( 6 of 476 )

no longer crave salt
72 2.3% ( 11 of 476 )

73 1.7% ( 8 of 476 )

Acne improved   ...explanations [1]
74 2.5% ( 12 of 476 )

Burned my "rear "using too much cayenne :(   ...explanations [1]
75 0.4% ( 2 of 476 )

Passed out from abdominal cramps on toilet after laxative tea   ...explanations [1]
76 1.9% ( 9 of 476 )

white coated tongue with a patch of heatlthy looking pink   ...explanations [3]
77 0.6% ( 3 of 476 )

hives   ...explanations [1]
78 0.8% ( 4 of 476 )

heartburn from either or all... acid from lemons, cayanne or stomach acid from me salivating from thinking/craving food and the burn became too much at day 8   ...explanations [2]
79 0.0% ( 0 of 476 )
Liver/Age spots appeared in various places on body.
80 0.2% ( 1 of 476 )

Kidney pain   ...explanations [1]
81 0.6% ( 3 of 476 )

heartburn from using too much cayenne once
82 0.6% ( 3 of 476 )

83 0.6% ( 3 of 476 )

burning anus from toxins passing through the system, NOT BECAUSE OF CAYENNE!   ...explanations [1]
84 0.2% ( 1 of 476 )

Normalized menses
85 0.4% ( 2 of 476 )

Skin fungus cleared up
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Number of participants who started this survey:676  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:101 15%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:476 70%

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