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Master Cleanse Survey Results
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20  Reactions of Family Members? What were reactions of your family members when you told them that you are going to fast for many days? 

You can select more than one option:
1 30.3% ( 66 of 218 )

Surprised   ...explanations [3]
2 35.3% ( 77 of 218 )

Scared and generally affraid for my health.   ...explanations [1]
3 10.6% ( 23 of 218 )

Indifferent, uninterested, impartial.
4 32.6% ( 71 of 218 )

Generally supportive but affraid that I am going to hurt myself.   ...explanations [2]
5 24.3% ( 53 of 218 )

Generally supportive and optimistic.   ...explanations [1]
6 8.7% ( 19 of 218 )

Extremely supportive and extremely optimistic.
7 11.5% ( 25 of 218 )

I have not discussed it with my family.   ...explanations [2]
8 0.0% ( 0 of 218 )
I have no family.
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Number of participants who started this survey:676  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:101 15%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:218 32%

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