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Master Cleanse Survey Results
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19  First Reaction? What was the first reaction/first thought you had when you heared/learned about MC fast? 

You can select more than one option:
1 0.9% ( 2 of 218 )

2 27.1% ( 59 of 218 )

Sure, I'm gona do it! What's the problem?   ...explanations [2]
3 16.5% ( 36 of 218 )

I don't think so! I can't go without food.
4 15.1% ( 33 of 218 )

Sounds crazy! Crazy idea.
5 24.3% ( 53 of 218 )

I am looking forward. I can't wait.   ...explanations [3]
6 9.2% ( 20 of 218 )

Is there anyone really doing this? Why?
7 17.0% ( 37 of 218 )

Finally! A simple and cheap way to improve my health!   ...explanations [2]
8 8.3% ( 18 of 218 )

This sounds crazy, but I'm desperate enough to try anything.
9 9.2% ( 20 of 218 )

It all makes sense to me but I'm not ready quite yet.
10 23.4% ( 51 of 218 )

Does this actually work?
11 21.1% ( 46 of 218 )

I wonder if I could manage to live on lemonade for 3 days.   ...explanations [1]
12 10.6% ( 23 of 218 )

I loved the book and thought it was going to be a really healthy thing to try.   ...explanations [1]
13 4.1% ( 9 of 218 )

worried about losing weight
14 3.2% ( 7 of 218 )

save money & have extra time   ...explanations [1]
15 7.8% ( 17 of 218 )

Worried about transitioning back to food
16 2.8% ( 6 of 218 )

Worried about long-term side effects after returning to regular food
17 19.7% ( 43 of 218 )

Sounds interesting. I need to learn more.
18 4.1% ( 9 of 218 )

Skeptical - Did not believe in starvation diets or diets that withholds solid food   ...explanations [1]
19 2.3% ( 5 of 218 )

Believed fasts were purely for religious/spiritual tasks and not a part of general wellbeing practices.
20 0.9% ( 2 of 218 )

Was hoping this would improve my singing voice.
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Number of participants who started this survey:676  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:101 15%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:218 32%

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