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Master Cleanse Survey Results
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14  What were the most difficult days on your fast(s)? Difficult in term of having a strong desire to end the fast. 

You can select more than one option:
1 14.1% ( 31 of 220 )

None. I did not have problems fasting.
2 25.9% ( 57 of 220 )

1st day   ...explanations [3]
3 33.2% ( 73 of 220 )

2nd day   ...explanations [3]
4 39.1% ( 86 of 220 )

3rd day   ...explanations [1]
5 11.4% ( 25 of 220 )

4th day
6 10.5% ( 23 of 220 )

5th day   ...explanations [1]
7 10.0% ( 22 of 220 )

6th day   ...explanations [1]
8 10.5% ( 23 of 220 )

7th day   ...explanations [1]
9 13.2% ( 29 of 220 )

8th day
10 6.4% ( 14 of 220 )

9th day   ...explanations [1]
11 6.8% ( 15 of 220 )

10th day
12 0.9% ( 2 of 220 )

11th day
13 0.5% ( 1 of 220 )

12th day
14 3.2% ( 7 of 220 )

13th day
15 2.3% ( 5 of 220 )

14th day   ...explanations [1]
16 0.9% ( 2 of 220 )

15th day
17 2.7% ( 6 of 220 )

16th day
18 0.5% ( 1 of 220 )

17th day
19 1.8% ( 4 of 220 )

18th day
20 0.9% ( 2 of 220 )

19th day
21 1.8% ( 4 of 220 )

20th day
22 1.8% ( 4 of 220 )

21st day
23 0.5% ( 1 of 220 )

22nd day
24 0.5% ( 1 of 220 )

23rd day
25 0.5% ( 1 of 220 )

24th day
26 0.5% ( 1 of 220 )

25th day
27 0.5% ( 1 of 220 )

26th day
28 0.5% ( 1 of 220 )

27th day
29 0.9% ( 2 of 220 )

28th day
30 0.5% ( 1 of 220 )

29th day
31 0.5% ( 1 of 220 )

30th day
32 0.0% ( 0 of 220 )
31st day
33 0.0% ( 0 of 220 )
32nd day
34 0.0% ( 0 of 220 )
33rd day
35 0.0% ( 0 of 220 )
34th day
36 0.0% ( 0 of 220 )
35th day
37 0.0% ( 0 of 220 )
36th day
38 0.5% ( 1 of 220 )

37th day
39 0.5% ( 1 of 220 )

38th day
40 0.0% ( 0 of 220 )
39th day
41 0.0% ( 0 of 220 )
40th day
42 0.0% ( 0 of 220 )
Some of the days betwen 41st and 45th day
43 0.0% ( 0 of 220 )
Some of the days betwen 46th and 50th day
44 0.0% ( 0 of 220 )
Some of the days betwen 51st and 55th day
45 0.0% ( 0 of 220 )
Some of the days betwen 56th and 60th day
46 0.0% ( 0 of 220 )
Some of the days after 60th day
Previous Question 14 of 80 Next Question
Number of participants who started this survey:676  
Number of participants who answered all survey questions:101 15%
Number of participants who answered this particular question:220 33%

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