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Liver Flush
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Can kidney cleanse by Hulda Clark help to dissolve a large kidney stone? 1 answ.
19 year
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Is there an alternative for apple juice doing the liver flush and or can I do the flush without the apple juice because I have an ulcer and the juice gives me lots of pain. 4 answ.
14 year
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Anyone have experience with alternatives to Epsom Salts? (I have a very sensitive g.i. tract and have read warnings (cleanse.net)re potential damage. 16 year 0 answ.
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Is it safe to do the liver cleanse if I have had my gall bladder removed? 16 year 0 answ.
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Is it safe to complete this cleanse when you are experiencing extreme Acid Reflux symptoms? I am currently on Prevacid 2x/day as well as OTC Antacids. I'm only on the 2nd day of Prevacid but still have laryngeal pain and coughing from the acid reflux. I will definately wait for the symptoms to subside before I try the cleanse, but I'm concerned that the Epsom Salts and the grapefruit juice could aggravate the acid condition again? Can anyone help with this? 1 answ.
15 year
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hi just new to this forum would appreciate some help, i suffer from candida, so just finished a colon cleanse of 3 weeks using oxypowder, at the moment doing a parasite cleanse with black walnut hull and wormwood and cloves doing this for a week so far will do another week, but next i want to do a liver flush cos ive a red face and heard a liver flush will help clear my skin. does anyone know if this is true? i really am sick of this have it most of my life. whtas the best liver flush to do? 4 answ.
13 year
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I have Cirrhosis of the liver. How dangerous is Dr. Schulze's 5 day liver detox? If this works why is Hershey Medical Center advising against trying? 1 answ.
14 year
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Can I do a second night of OO/grapefruit? 14 year 0 answ.
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is it ok to take vitamins after 10am on flush day? 14 year 0 answ.
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Brother stopped drinking best steps how to help him heal? 13 year 0 answ.
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