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How to cure pancreatitis?
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Pancreatitis   by #60336   18 year 4 of 4 (100%)

As a person who suffered from passing a gallstone (I didn't know I had them, they were not on x-rays, or ultrasounds), I can say I wish I knew about a gallstone flush long ago. But, since I didn't, there is nothing I can do about that...

I can tell you that your information about pancreatitis is limited.

Acute Pancreatitis is an inflamtion of the pancreas, caused by the pancreas juices being caught in the pancreas, and self-digesting itself. Know for certain that scrarring from pancreatitits does exist, and each time an acute flare-up happens, the chances of having a permenant, chronic pancreatitis increases.

The main best solution for pancreatitis is to give it COMPLETE and TOTAL rest.... that means seeking medical professional for intervenous nutrients, and hydration. You canNOT take anything orally, as that will stimulate the pancreas to secrete its enzymes.

As far as your recommendations for increased nutrients, I don't know... except that when pancreatitis becomes chronic, sufferers must find all sorts of ways in supplement the diet, especially with digestive enzymes. Because of enzyme deficiency, poor nutrition is inevitable... not all nutrients can be absorbed properly because the nutrients have not been broken down to a usable form.

The use of all sorts of supplements does NOT complete resolve the problem of mal-absorption. Supplements do help to shorten the length of attacks, and to minimize the intensity of attacks.

Pancreatitis poses interesting problems, because no matter what, you must eat to receive nutrients. The pancreas secretes enzymes to digest protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Further it secretes other enzymes that help to break down the smaller particles from the first stage of its digestion. And it secretes hormones, like insulin to allow the body's cell use glucose properly for energy. The pancreas has many functions, some are "simple" and some are intricately balanced.

You cannot live without a pancreas... unless you take enzyme supplements and take insulin.... then remember that the pancreas also secretes glucogon which also helps to change fat back into energy (the loosing weight hormone).

Pancreatitis is EXTREMELY painful. (Liken it to acid being dropped on the most sensitive part of you skin.) Many cases are from drinking alcohol, some are physical deformities, some are from blocked ducts from foreign objects (gallstones), and the cause of some are unknown completely.


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