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En excerpt from the book : 

by Ross, R.Ph. Pelton, Lee Overholser

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Ozone provides another form of oxygen cancer therapy that has been widely used in Europe for many years. Ozone (O3) is a highly active form of oxygen. Because it has powerful antiviral properties, it has been used more widely in recent times as a treatment for AIDS. However, a number of practitioners and clinics continue to use ozone for an alternative cancer therapy.

Because there is little scientific documentation and few published studies on ozone's effectiveness in cancer therapy, I have chosen simply to mention it as part of this chapter, since ozone functions in essentially the same way as hydrogen peroxide.

In the body, ozone gives off O which kills viruses and bacteria. It also creates an oxygen-rich environment that may force cancer cells to shift from an anaerobic metabolism to an aerobic, or oxygen-based, metabolism. Ozone also produces molecular oxygen (O2), in the same way that hydrogen peroxide does.


One of the most common forms of ozone therapy involves the withdrawal of about 50 to 100 ml of a patient's blood, by bubbling ozone through the blood and reinfusing the blood into the patient.

Rectal insufflation is another form of administration. In this approach a lubricated tube is placed into the rectum of the patient and then ozone gas is introduced into the patient's rectal cavity for thirty to sixty seconds.

Several of the clinics I am familiar with have experimented with both intravenous ozone and hydrogen peroxide as a form of treatment, and each one eventually chose intravenous hydrogen peroxide as the preferred method of administering oxygen therapy.

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