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Epsom Salt Warning
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Is it safe to drink Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulfate)?


Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate), if taken in reasonably small doses, is safe for most people.



Do not take too much Epsom Salts!

 Make sure you are able to tolerate Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt) before you attempt to consume 4 tablespoons.

People unable to tolerate Magnesium Sulfate may suffer negative reaction, even death.

Several people died from the results of Epsom Salt overdose.

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Magnesium sulfate reduces striated muscle contractions and blocks peripheral neuromuscular transmission by reducing acetylcholine release at the myoneural junction. In emergency care, magnesium 
sulfate is used to manage seizures associated with toxemia of pregnancy. Other uses include uterine relaxation (to inhibit contractions of premature labor), as a bronchodilator after beta-agonist and anticholinergic agents have been used, replacement therapy for magnesium deficiency, as a cathartic to reduce the absorption of poisons from the Gl tract, and in the initial therapy for convulsions. Magnesium sulfate is gaining popularity as an initial treatment in the management of various dysrhythmias, particularly torsades de pointes, and dysrhythmias secondary to a tricyclic antidepressant overdose or digitalis toxicity. The drug is also considered as a class Ila agent (probably helpful) for refractory ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia after administration of lidocaine or bretylium doses. 


Magnesium sulfate is effective for severe acute asthma treated in the emergency department

Intravenous magnesium sulfate reduces the rate of hospital admissions and improves pulmonary function in patients with severe acute asthma treated in the emergency department.
Sources of funding: Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians and National Institutes of Health.


Magnesium sulfate is used to treat pre-eclampsia, eclampsia and preterm labor.

Pre-eclampsia (also known as toxemia and Pregnancy-Induced High Blood Pressure) consists of high blood pressure, protein in the urine and  edema (swelling). It can rapidly become severe pre-eclampsia, with  very high blood pressure, visual disturbances, failing kidneys and  elevated liver enzymes. In rare cases, pre-eclampsia develops into  eclampsia, where potentially fatal convulsions occur. It also can  become HELLP Syndrome (hemolysis (H), which is the breaking down of red blood cells, elevated liver enzymes (EL), and low platelet count (LP)), which is potentially fatal to both the woman and her baby or babies. 


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