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Sample from "Cleansing or Surgery" book, pages 11 through 19 

Gallstones cleanse - Liver and Gallbladder cleanse from the book:

"Cleansing Or Surgery"

Shopping list for Gallbladder Cleanse - per individual

4 gallons of apple juice
4 gallons of steam distilled water
1/2 c virgin olive oil or cold-pressed peanut oil
3 lemons (or enough to make 1/4 cup lemon juice)
tomato juice - 1 tablespoon
1 straw (optional)

If you do this cleanse in the fall, look for freshly-pressed, raw apple juice in the supermarket. Or, if you have an apple press, you could use freshly made apple juice. Otherwise, bottled, unsweetened apple juice is fine.

Doing the Cleanse

When you do the gallbladder cleanse, you will be performing a bloodless operation. There will be no pain and no scar tissue. The little bit of discomfort you will experience will be well worth it because of the increased health benefits.

The gallbladder cleanse takes 4 days to complete and is simple and inexpensive. Each day for 4 days you drink up to 1 gallon of apple juice and up to 1 gallon of distilled water. You will not feel hungry. The apple juice will give you energy. Take it easy during this time to allow the body to work on cleansing.

This is not the time to do hard physical work. Each morning or evening, do a saltwater flush or an enema to help remove toxins that are being released (see page 17). It is important to take a daily saltwater flush or enema because poisons settle in the rectum and these poisons need to be expelled from the body before they cause problems.

Drinking the Oil

On the evening of the third night when you are tired and ready for bed, drink 1/2 cup of virgin olive oil or cold pressed peanut oil. Don't buy the refined oils sold in supermarkets. Natural foods stores sell unrefined oil. Chill the oil - it tastes better cold and use a straw to sip it. It is better to not let it touch the lips to minimize the unpleasantness of the oil.

Right after taking the 1/2 cup of olive oil, drink 1/4 cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice. Then go directly to bed and lie down on your right side with two pillows under the right hip. The pillows slant the body so that the oil will leave the stomach faster and go down into the duct area and into the gallbladder. As you rest, the oil will be saturating and cleansing the body tissues. It will feel awkward, but this is the most effective position for the oil to do its work in expelling the gallstones. You may change your position after 4 or 5 hours.

Reactions to Cleanse

After drinking the oil and lemon, you may feel like burping or vomiting. You might sip on a little tomato juice. The acid and the salt in the juice help cut the oil. Don't drink more than a tablespoon or so of the tomato juice. You might want to just hold it in your mouth and then spit it out. Sometime during the night, you may vomit or be nauseated. This is caused by the gallbladder ejecting the stones with such force that it shoots the oil back into the stomach. When the oil returns to the stomach, you get sick. You may be able to feel the expulsion of stones. It will not be a sharp pain, just a mild contraction. In all honesty, you may spend a miserable night. But it is only one night of discomfort. Recovery from conventional gallbladder surgery involves many months of pain and suffering as the scar tissue mends.

Rewards from the Cleanse

You will soon have the reward of seeing the gallstones out of your body. These stones will no longer be interfering with normal body functions. Put your mind on how much more dynamic you will feel after the cleanse. Many people report having increased stamina after this cleanse.

We have known about this cleanse for several years, but we did not think we had gallstones, so we saw no need to investigate further. We were surprised to learn that almost every adult who does this cleanse, passes gallstones. Even though we now eat a more natural diet, there were many years when we ate the Standard American Diet. Those gallstones that we passed during the cleanse had been sitting in our body, obstructing the body's natural functions, for many years. We are glad they are now out.

Fourth Day

On the morning after drinking the oil, you will probably want to lie in bed and take it easy. Use the time for prayer and quiet meditation. You might want to watch videos or listen to cassette tapes or read. You won't be in pain. Continue drinking apple juice and distilled water.

Passing the Stones

Sometime during the fourth day you will probably have a bowel movement. Check the toilet water carefully. When you pass gallstones, you should see them floating near the top of the toilet water. You won't feel pain when they are expelled. The oil makes them slick and the lemon juice takes the sharpness out. The stones are soft when they pass. The stones can be the size of tiny pebbles or as large as the end of your thumb. The stones come in different shades of green and may be bright colored and shiny like gemstones. The color comes from the bile. The light colored stones are the newest. Blackish stones are the oldest. Some people say that when they passed their stones, the toilet water looked like balls of bright green grass.

It is exciting to actually see gallstones that were once inside your body. It is rewarding to see them out of your body where they can do you no more harm. Because they are softened, they seem waxy, rather than stony. They may also be coated with fecal matter. You can get a colander or strainer and try fishing the stones out and washing them off. It is not unusual to expel 100 or more gallstones after doing this cleanse. Continue doing daily saltwater flushes or enemas for 2 or 3 more days after you expel the gallstones to help clean out the toxins that are coming into the colon from the cleanse.

After you have passed the gallstones, you will experience increased stamina. Don't pig out on the fifth day. The body has slowed down and it will take 3 or 4 days to rebuild to a normal diet. For 3 or 4 days following the fast, eat plenty of raw fruits and vegetables and drink unsweetened juices to restart the digestive mechanisms. Eat small meals and watch to see if there is pain after eating. If so, go more slowly. Fruits are easiest to digest. On the second day after the cleanse, a simple vegetable soup with plenty of broth is good.


An excerpt from a message posted on CureZone Liver Flush Forums:

Flush can remove some gallstones from some gallbladders

Is there really any solid evidence that Gallstones can exit gallbladder?

If there was any solid evidence that Gallstones can exit gallbladder, why would any doctor claim that gallstones CAN NOT exit gallbladder?

Fact: Some gallstones (smaller gallstones) can exit gallbladder.

Fiction: All gallstones can exit gallbladder. Anyone believing that every stone can exit gallbladder is ignorant/uninformed or irrational. Rare stones can be even larger then 2 inch ( 5cm ) in smallest diameter.

Fiction: Gallstones can not exit gallbladder. Anyone believing that no stone can exit gallbladder is ignorant/uninformed or irrational. Stones can be smaller then 2 mm in diameter, and could easily travel through the bile ducts without any chance of causing obstruction.

Majority of gallstones starts their "life" as a microscopic crystal of cholesterol. Very few gallstones ever get a chance to grow larger then 2mm. Most are expelled while small as sand.

cholesterol = chole + sterol
The name originates from the Greek chole- (bile) and stereos (solid)

cholesterol = Greek for solid bile

How do we know that some gallstones can exit gallbladder?

It is a well documented medical phenomenon.

Obstruction of the common bile duct is often caused by gallstones that were expelled from the gallbladder:
In patients with chronic Pancreatitis, common bile duct obstruction is reported in 3.2-45.6% of patients; however, only 5-10% of all patients with chronic Pancreatitis require operative decompression of the bile duct.
Passage of gallstones into the common bile duct occurs in approximately 10-15% of patients with Gallstones. The incidence is thus related to the presence of gallstones, which are very common (10-20% of population).

Common bile duct stone References

[1] Braunwald, Fauci, Kasper, Hauser, Longo, Jameson. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. 15th Edition. McGraw-Hill. 2001.
[2] Cotran, Kumar, Collins 6th edition. Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease. WB Saunders Company. 1999.
[3] Fletcher, D. Gallstones, In: Tjandra, JJ, Clunie GJ, Thomas, RJS (eds); Textbook of Surgery, 2nd Ed, Blackwell Science, Asia. 2001.
[4] Haslet C, Chiliers ER, Boon NA, Colledge NR. Principles and Practice of Medicine. Churchill Livingstone 2002.
[5] Hurst JW (Editor-in-chief). Medicine for the practicing physician. 4th edition Appleton and Lange 1996.
[6] Kumar P, Clark M. CLINICAL MEDICINE. WB Saunders 2002.
[7] Longmore M, Wilkinson I, Torok E. OXFORD HANDBOOK OF CLINICAL MEDICINE. Oxford Universtiy Press. 2001
[8] McLatchie G and LEaper DJ (editors). Oxford Handbook of Clinical Surgery 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press 2002.
[9] MEDLINE Plus
[10] Raftery AT Churchill's pocketbook of Surgery. Churchill Livingsone 2001.
Jaundice occurs in patients with gall stones when a stone migrates from the gall bladder into the common bile duct...

Acute pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis develops in 5% of all patients with gall stones and is more common in patients with multiple small stones, a wide cystic duct, and a common channel between the common bile duct and pancreatic duct. Small stones passing down the common bile duct and through the papilla may temporarily obstruct the pancreatic duct or allow reflux of duodenal fluid or bile into the pancreatic duct resulting in acute pancreatitis.


Let us do some math here.

20% of people may develop gallstones during their life

15% of people with gallstones may experience obstruction of the common bile duct

How many people may experience obstruction of the common bile duct?

Answer: 3% of total population where 20% have gallstones.

What about USA?

Population of USA: 300 million.
How many people may experience obstruction of the common bile duct during their life?

3% = 9 million people in USA will experience obstruction of the common bile duct with gallstone(s), gallstone(s) that most likely was formed inside gallbladder, and then was expelled, only to be stuck into the common bile duct.

Question: Do all gallstones expelled from gallbladder end-up blocking common bile duct?

Answer: No, only gallstones that have specific size and/or shape.

By it's size and shape, the stone must be small enough or slim enough to pass through the cystic duct and exit gallbladder, but it should be large enough to stuck at the sphincter of oddi, and to block the flow of liquid bile and pancreatic juices into duodenum.

How many gallstones have that specific size and/or shape that would allow it to exit gallbladder, but would not allow it to pass through common bile duct or through the "sphincter of oddi"?

Nobody knows the answer to this question, of course.

But, we could estimate that less then 10% of all stones would qualify. That would be of course just an estimation.

We could estimate that 90% of gallstones (or gallbladder sand and sludge ) that exits gallbladder would not stuck in the common bile duct, and will never be registered. It would become feces.

What does that mean?

It could mean that majority of people with gallstones may have expelled some of their stones (or sand) at one time or another, without ever knowing it happened. Stones pass from bile ducts into intestines ... no pain ... no obstruction ... no symptoms ... no awareness .... nobody knows it happened. But it could be happening every day. That is what nature (evolution) intended for gallstones.

Remember that each stone starts as a microscopic crystal. Who could count the number of microscopic crystals that are existing gallbladder every day?

Why don't all stones pass?

Why don't gallbaldder get those crystals out before they become large enough?

There could be many reasons, like: the lack of phisical activity, poor diet, stress, dehydration, being owerweight, not drinking enough water, infection, illness,  .... hundreds of oissible reasons.


What about USA?

Population of USA: 300 million.

Number of people who will develop gallstones: 20% = 60 million.

If 90% of them expel some smaller gallstones at one time or another during their life, then we have 54 million people who are going to pass or have already passed gallstones, and are not aware of it!!!

54 million of people in USA may expel some smaller gallstones from their gallbladder. 9 million people in USA will experience obstruction of the common bile duct, obstruction caused by a gallstone small enough to exit cystic duct, but too large to exit sphinscter of oddi..

The sphincter of oddi is situated in the upper intestine, or duodenum, at the site where the common bile duct enters intestine. Normally, this sphincter functions as a one-way valve to allow bile and pancreatic secretions to enter the bowel, while preventing the contents of the bowel from backing up into these ducts.

White Shark


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For more relevant information, please read:


Liver cleanse & Gallbladder cleanse (Liver flush) (an alternative to gallbladder surgery)

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