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How I Cured My Life Long Candida Infection Accidentally
by Marvin Robey [edit]

How I Cured My Life Long Candida Infection Accidentally
********** 10 Stars!
Price: US$ 6.95, Available worldwide on
Check Availability from: Canada or from United Kingdom
ISBN: 0979855616


 This book describes the causes and nature of Candida in a depth never before revealed and then describes the several types of treatments common at the present, making it clear why each fails to completely cure the condition. It then presents a simple, low cost treatment which easily treats the condition completely in only two weeks in both the digestive system and in the blood. Only in very severe colon complications does it take longer. No special diet is required. When the treatment is completed, no continuing probiotics or other treatments are required. For more information go to

Marvin Robey (Biography)

Marvin Lee Robey publisher of How I Cured My Life Long Candida Infection Accidentally and A Miraculous Health Substance.

Robey suffered from Candida infections most of his life. After suffering through diets, and other prescribed methods, he accidently came upon a cure. He tells you his story and the process that he went through to lead a normal life, cured of Candida. Additional information on the book and author at

A Miraculous Health Substance Documents the ten amazing qualities of ionic silver including the ground breaking research of Dr. Robert O. Becker with ionic silver producing stem cells, and coordinates the work of many other medical researchers and the results of many users. Additional information at



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