********** 10 Stars!
Price: US$ 19.95, Available worldwide on Amazon.com
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ISBN: 6305419655
Excellent Tape, August 5, 2002
Reviewer: A reader from California from Anaheim Hills, California United States
After buying all the books about the "Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth" (3 by Peter Kelder and 1 by Christopher Kilham) and excercised for about 4 months to make sure the exercise work, I ordered the tape... The tape helped me to correct the 4th rite that I did not do it correctly. The tape is excellent. It first shows the brief history of Tibetan Yoga, the Five rite's instructional demonstation, the review then finally the demonstration again. By watching this 25-minute tape one time, you can be able to do it correctly right away.The picture is clear, the instruction is clear and easy to follow. The strong point of this tape is the relaxation, the smoothness of the performance and the breathing technique (deep and light breathing)that were demonstrated by Jille Gleason and Reich. The deep breathing and relaxation played a very importance part in making the excercise work better as it was the main part of all kinds of exercises like Yoga, Tai-Chi, Ki Cong, martial arts etc.. However,it is better if it is explained fully like Christopher Kilham did in his book.I highly recommend the tape especially for those who do not have the time to read the book...