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ISBN: 097104550X
From Library Journal
Intended for lay readers, these complementary books discuss the theory and practice of treating sexual dysfunction. Hakim is a surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic in Weston, FL, with a practice devoted to treating women's and men's sexual problems. The Couple's Disease covers a wide variety of syndromes with detailed but digestible descriptions and a heartening array of curative approaches pharmaceutical, surgical, and psychosocial. Hakim accurately notes that while psychosocial causes for sexual problems were considered "the rule" in the past, recent findings identify many more pharmaco-medical factors. Caveats to treatments are offered appropriately, current research is described, and the illustrations are very clear. The appendix on sexually transmitted diseases is welcome, and the fictionalized "Dr. Hakim's Waiting Room" sections provide interesting and sometimes amusing glimpses of patients' concerns, despite appearing a bit self-promotional. An index and a more complete bibliography to studies mentioned in the text would have rendered this book even more valuable.Married for 30-some years, the Lakens confronted and survived male erectile dysfunction as a side effect of prostate surgery. Their first-person account is readable, informative, and persuasive. While Keith had the dysfunction, both he and Virginia underwent mutual and individual healing to reinstate sexual intimacy disrupted by the surgery. The passages that explore their emotional conflicts allow readers to empathize and to validate their own hesitations about seeking treatment without minimizing the difficulties. Paradoxically, a glossary, extended bibliography and resources list, and index make this book more professionally complete than Hakim's. Both books are solidly recommended for all public libraries. Martha Cornog, Philadelphia
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