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ISBN: 1853029742
From Book News, Inc.
The author, whose son has Asperger Syndrome, reassures parents of children with autistic spectrum disorders and dietary problems. Drawing on her own experience and on interviews with parents, children, and professionals, she suggests practical methods for dealing with food refusal, picky eaters, and meals away from home, and surveys the options for special diets. Legge is a freelance writer who has written on home improvement, catering, and medical topics. The book is distributed in the US by Taylor & Francis.Book News, Inc.Ū, Portland, OR
Book Description
Finding out that your child has Asperger Syndrome can be devastating enough, but when you discover that he or she won't eat 99.9 per cent of all food and drink in the known universe, the fun really starts. The author found herself in this situation when her son first took a dislike to milk, then to virtually every other food. Her book was written to reassure other parents in the same boat, and to suggest practical methods of dealing with the problem. The experience of other parents, children, and professionals with first-hand knowledge of dietary difficulties, and their advice and comments, are also included.
Book Info
(Jessica Kingsley) Author writes to reassure other parents there are lots of people in the 'same boat,' and suggests practical methods of dealing with the problem. Advice from parents, children, and professionals is a key part of this book. Softcover.