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Animal Experimentation: The Hidden Cause of Environmental Pollution
by Hoorik Davoudian
Writing for the United States anti-vivisection organisation called SUPRESS the author makes a direct and comprehensive connection between animal research, chemical testing and production, and environmental pollution. Ms Davoudian who is a Hazardous Materials Manager for a government agency in California, exposes the scientific fraudulence of animal research and shows how it is routinely used and manipulated to make toxicants appear "safe" for human consumption. This concise 10-page booklet further shows how the inherently erroneous nature of vivisection renders environmental laws and regulations ineffective in controlling environmental pollution.
Ms Davoudian came to the conclusion that vivisection is a scientific fraud when the very professors and researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (where the author received her Science degree) admitted that "they were faced with great difficulties in extrapolating the results of their animal tests to human beings". After researching the issue, she determined that rather than a "difficult" task, these "scientists" were faced with a total impossibility.
In explaining the REAL motives behind industry and government's insistence on using unscientific animal testing, Ms Davoudian reveals: "The non-conclusive, erroneous nature of animal testing creates a smoke screen - an alibi which permits the continued manufacture of all kinds of toxic and hazardous chemicals. Vivisection conveys a false illusion of safety, but all it ensures is a continued demand for ever 'newer' and 'improved' products. The tragic result is that these seemingly 'safety tested' poisons are the very ones which pollute our air, water, food, and planet."
On further explaining the role of vivisection, the author says: "From these 'studies', staggering amounts of ambiguous, contradictory, and invalid data are compiled. It is from these data that the 'scientist' draw their 'scientific' conclusions. And, of course, animal experimentation suits their purposes perfectly, because its non-conclusive and contradictory nature allows both the scientists and the chemical manufacturers to arrive at any kind of conclusion they desire.
"For example, if they want to 'prove' that a particular chemical is not carcinogen, all they have to do is present the evidence from those animal tests that support this view. On the other hand, if they wish to prove that the same chemical is a carcinogen, then, with just as much conviction, they can present other laboratory tests that show the product to be carcinogenic."
In addition to this, Ms Davoudian explains that the fraud of vivisection reaches beyond the process of chemical production and marketing and applies to the entire field of "environmental protection." Giving an example she says that "if a hazardous waste incinerator is to be built, the Environmental Impact Report (incorporating findings of animal studies), conducted by those in favor of the incinerator, will prove the 'harmlessness' of its air emissions with little difficulty. Yet a different Environmental Impact Report, conducted by the opposition, will prove the risks associated with the same incinerator to be unacceptable."
The booklet is timely considering that recently the United States Institute of Environmental Health Services after reviewing their tests on laboratory animals has concluded that the Government should no longer rely on these tests because chemicals frequently have wholly different effects on animals and humans. Consequently the US environmental regulation has been thrown into question.