Blog: Ayurveda Rejuvenation Program
by #72386

Ayurveda Health is FREE

In ayurveda we should be looking at who we are and what our body type/dosha is before we do anything else

Date:   6/15/2007 3:29:21 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2338 times

Ayurveda tells us that we can rejuvenate the body by many effective and simple methods and practices.
Lots of people know about the free sunshine, if we get it in our particular country, in the Uk it is not always possible. But never the less when tyhe sun shines it gives us great well being benefits.
The fresh air is also free and this can also be a problem if you live in a busy built up area, in a city or heavy traffic town.
This is often the case for many people and ayurveda tells us that we can over come these obsticles by different ways.
Firstly by What we eat
Also by How we work - just to digress a little also a very famous chap Dr Bach of the flower essence fame - said that if everyone worked in a job that they loved then they would be at the greatest advantage for being healthy - the great ayuvedic sages said the same. But we know that this is not always possible.
Also Exercise is another very good way for rejuvenating the body and yet the ayurvedic scripts tell us that we should not over exert our bodies as this is just as damaging.
I had a client who came to my clinic who was a body builder , big and strong with a great body. He came because he could not sleep, he was anxious, aggressive and very emotional. He could not understand that although he soent hours in the gym working out in actual fact he did not take proper care of himself. He did not 'care' for his body. He over exerted it, he pushed it to limits, he abused himself and his inner 'voice' began to make this knowmn in ways that he could not control.
Rejuvenation is about the whole self and Ayurveda this 5000 year old science tells us that we must pay attention to who we are and what our bodies are like.
Ayurveda examines people at a very indiviual unique level by first determining ones body type/dosha.
This is not about putting someone into a box or catagorie it is truly a science to learn and understand that enables you to create great healing and rejuvenation programs for the self.
We will look at body types/doshas one by one and in detail over the next few entries.
In the meantime you can get more info from

and ask a question if you like.

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