Astrology for this week July 8-12 period 17 y
Astrology for this week of July 8-12 period
JULY 7, 2008 Monday
Mercury quincunx (inconjunct) Natal Sun
The phone rings, lots of talk flows around
you. Papers must be shuffled; errands must
be run. Interruptions abound. Your nervous
energy is tested. In communicating with
others, egos and needs may conflict. Make
your point clearly, then let it be. Listening is
half the art of communication. Seek com-
promise and win-win solutions.
Mercury trioctile (sesquisquare) Natal
Your thinking is heavily influenced by your
feelings, today, so it is important to examine
which is which. This could be just t ... read more
The Elephant is Slow to Mate 17 y
Connecting with Her is to feel
a flood of the deepest most heartfelt appreciation.
it reminds me of this poem
by D.H.Lawrence
11:42 PM
July 8, 08
Got this poem on my mind right now:
This is what it is like when I connect with
A flood of the deepest heartfelt appreciation.
The Elephant is Slow to Mate
by D. H. Lawrence
The elephant, the huge old beast,
is slow to mate;
he finds a female, they show no haste
they wait
for the sympathy in their vast shy hearts
slowly, slowly to rouse
as they loiter along the river-beds
and drink and browse
and dash in panic through the brake
of forest with the herd,
and sleep in massive silence, and wake
toge ... read more
My Astrology for the Year 18 y
My Astrology for the Year-2007
8:30 AM
August 6, 07
This is a report from Astro Communications Services.
I have found this very helpful.
It goes choices for the energies.
visit the page
Seven of Hearts Day for me 18 y
Seven of Heart's Day for me
Accept Loved One as she is.
8:47 AM
August 4, 2007
This is basically a good day for me
to Self Love through clearing and decluttering
and organizing some.
Better get with the program.
Not a day for high expectations of
loved ones for me. This is a day to be
in Loving Relationship with myself.
This is From Robert Lee Camp’s Free readings:
This is also a Seven of Heart’s Year for me.
It is a time to give freedom.
time for me to be free of fear and attachment.
The Basic Meaning of the Seven of Hearts
... read more
Twin Soul/BF to Your EG Love Card Analysis 18 y
Awakenings, Inc In depth Report.
These reports are excellent!
Cleaning up some things.
Found part of this printout.
Wanted to upload it here.
visit the page
INDEX Camp Internet Shows July 18 y
INDEX Robert Camp Internet Shows July 07 Uploads,
Subjects. I am on on of these shows,
but difficult Identifying which right off.
Let's see how it goes.
Today is a Jewish Holiday.
T'sha B'v..desctruction of the Temple...
birth of the Messiah from the ashes.
4:58 PM
July 24, 07
I am out of my skin and really unnerved.
Tedious details--Sales Tax uploads
took a lot of time + two naps to get through it.
Want to put the Statements for the year
in the notebooks, before I complete the
Sales Tax Report.
Bored to a what’s the use mode.
Really want out of this life as it is,
but can’t see a way.
Going to listen to the July Robert Camp shows
to see if I can get my head out of this Space
I am in.
Cleaning up...nice contact in Netherlands 18 y
Beautiful Woman I met at Pacific Symposium
in 2001. Is this her on the Internet?
Is this Christel Jannsen?
”Dear Jack,
I just met Leslie and spent 45 minutes with him and it is like I came over for the conference from Holland just to let this connection be made. This man has the power in a very short time to connect to the most essential things in life.”
--Christel Janssen
Where is Dania Bilene Miller?
Where is Christina Barker, Tustin High School
class of 69.
She has a married name, perhaps. read more
Cleaning up... 18 y
Beautiful Woman, owned store, visited garden here....
Mimi Lam 6-14=96
Goddess Creations
192 Valley Road
Riveredge, NJ
She loved The Goddess Prayer...
locate her
also be in touch with Ginger Price.
visit the page
Five of Diamonds 18 y
Five of Diamonds
12:05 PM
July 13, 07
Free Readings Here
Five of Diamonds: The Salesperson Card
This card has its share of challenges and its share of gifts. Like all fives, they dislike routine and abhor anything that pretends to limit their freedom. They can be perpetual wanderers, never settling down for anything long enough to make it pay off. This includes their work and relationships. All 5 have an inner restlessness, but they truly want to accomplish something of value and stability in their lives. They are inherently spiritua ... read more
Relationship Report Extraordinaire!!! 18 y
Fantastic Relationship Report by
Awakenings on Twin Soul/Best Friend
and Your Enchanted Gardener.
I reocmmend this report he does.
Michael Baruch of Awakenings
ran this report for me last week.
It is really helpful!
I highly recommend his Compatability report.
It sound a bit looking at us through Rose-Colored Glasses,
but then, maybe it is me who sometimes has the doubts
and fears.
The Relationship between Twin Soul/Best Friend
and Your Enchanted Gardener really has been
the one of the most intimate, and Growth Producing
relationships of my incarnation.
Here is the report by Michael Baruch:
This is the original ... read more
Stuff!!! Letting Go! + Love Teachings 18 y
Powerful Love Teachings for
Receiving your Heart's Desire
6:34 AM
July 11, 2007
I got a card yesterday on Robert Camp’s
Free Destiny Card site that signaled the
END of something.
This frightened me Very Much!!!!
I am terrified of endings!!!
My body first went into Shcck mode
years ago when I graduated High School
and went out to College!!!!
I ended up in the Hosital
with some kind of Trauma Triggering
that can happen inside me
when Endings come up.
I do not have a full picture of this Trauma
I know I have an intense Fault Line in me
where Abandonment is felt.
How do we Clear the Stuck, Stagnant,
Heav ... read more
INDEX to Robert Camp Internet Show Topics 18 y
Robert Camp TOPIC internet Radio Show Topics....
Main topic from each show...
Making an INDEX to the Topics:
This is the INDEX to other internet show by Robert Camp.
Each show begins with a short talk that is quite profound
in the quality of truth.
I am going to identify what the topic is for each
Parent Directory 29-May-2007 07:48
[SND] Mr Destiny 3.12.07.mp3 13-Mar-2007 12:37 74.2M
[SND] Mr_Destiny_2-26-07.mp3 10-Mar-2007 09:21 26.2M
Launch in external player or download.
TO ... read more
Relationship Talk 18 y
What makes a Great Relationship?
Notes from Relationship Talk
with Robert Camp and Joseph Malinak:
Here is the Talk:
[ Here is Joseph’s Ideal
relationship site...
Lots of goodies here to explore:
Phone: 828-645-0999
Email Joseph:
Email Sarah Elizabeth:
What makes a great relationship?
1- Responsibility--
Take a stand, that I am fully the cause of everything
that happens in my life. A way of looking
(even if it may not be t ... read more
Ghana Benefit+ completes from Decluttering 18 y
completes from decluttering
2:19 PM
July 6, 07
I can’t find some of the names I wanted to save.
Toni_ charge of kids at Crawford
who did the Ghana program.....?????
I set up a Garden book....
my energy levels are off the top to move....
and explode out....
visit the page
Relationship--Final Frontier!!!! 18 y
"Relationship is the final frontier of
Personal Growth." Robert Camp interviews!
This really shifted my reality!!!
”Relationship is the final frontier of
Personal Growth.”
--Robert Lee Camp with guest
”At first there is bliss,
and then there is stuff.”
--Joseph Malinak
Incredibly Powerful Relationship Talk
from Internet Radio..
that helps develop the skills
to be healthy in relationship.
What is Self Love?
R: What is the concept of loving our self?
Self love is a practice of seeing myself clearly
and embracing who I am
rather than resisting aspects of my self,
being willing to bring unconscious things conscious.
For many years I had a rage problem
really ... read more
Free Online Readings+ Camp Radio Show 18 y
Getting some greart insights.
I trust these cards
Robert Lee Camp. Destiny Cards
This looks like a nice radio show.
How to call in--
it is 7:30 PM on Mondays
on internet Radio....
News and Announcements:
How to Call in:
This program airs on STATION 2 - Listen Now
Toll Free 877-270-8714 U.S.A. only
Toll Free 888-228-4494 Canada only
530-413-4515 Alternate Line #2
530-876-3223 Line #3 ... read more
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