Blog: FallMasterCleanse
by #66660

Day 1

Deja Vu

Date:   10/11/2006 10:48:24 PM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 2159 times

Well I last did my clease two months ago. It was aptly called the SummerMasterCleanse
at the time. Here is the link:

How was my progress after my first MC. Well the first month was great. I was lighter, healthier and happier. The second month had me spiraling out of control. I knew it before but now I have to really take the bull by the horns. I have a food issue. I love food to point that I over eat way too much if I get the chance. The worst culprit is sugar.

After the first cleanse, my sugar cravings were gone. I had a pretty good diet in the first month after the summer MC. But then a little sugar here in coffee, a little sugar there from some dark chocolate and then ice cream and then pie, etc etc.

So the second cleanse couldn't come soon enough for me. My plan - stick with it again for 15 days (maybe 20 if I am into it) and then really pay attention to eating afterwards. In some ways its like smoking. I had to take several runs at it before I gave up smoking years ago, perhaps sugar will be the same way.

So my weight this morning was 217 lbs. At the beginning of my first cleanse I was 226 lbs. At the end I was 206 lbs. After two months of normal eating I gained back 11 lbs. All in all not too bad. I think the last two weeks is when I put on 5 of those 11 lbs.

I already feel the headache coming on as I near the end of Day 1. I hope its not as bad as the one I had on my first day of the summer cleanse. We shall see.

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