Blog: SummerMasterCleanse
by #66660

Day 8

Salt Water Flush - never again!

Date:   7/30/2006 12:41:26 PM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 2855 times

I woke up this morning feeling pretty good however my tongue had a thick white coating - removing phlegm. I decided to try the salt water flush again. Even now writing about it makes me want to throw up. I tried so hard to get it down - a little over 1/2 a quart I figure. I just couldn't do it - the gag reflex was too strong. The first portion wasn't warm enough and that can make a difference. But to tell you the truth that is it for me and the salt water flush. I think I will just stick to the laxative tea at night and maybe use the tea in the morning as well as every other day. I don't want to stop eliminating after the cleanse as I've read this can happen if your body starts to rely on the laxative too much.

Right now I'm apprehensive that I didn't eliminate all the the salt water from my system and pray that I don't end up with another massive headache (like I did the first day).

I should add that yesterday I went into a bit of depression but in hindsight attribute this to very little social contact and not enough physical movement. So this morning I'm off to go for a nice walk.

I wanted to try and go 20 days but might settle on 15 instead. And then have another cleanse again in a couple of months. More than anything I don't want to put all of the weight back on again.

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Comments (5 of 5):
Re: hey swaxolez 18 y
hey healthylife 18 y
Well Maybe .... swaxolez 18 y
Your doing great seunim 18 y
Way to go! peanut74 18 y
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