cheating on a spouse is not only wrong, cheating on a spouse when U have kids is disgusting!
The whiny baby boomers are looking for rational to be able to cheat on spouses. fast and simple, you cheat, you are a sad person with no soul.
Date: 8/11/2007 8:30:13 PM ( 18 y ) ... viewed 2151 times
I'm getting so sick and tired of friends telling me how unhappy they are in thier marriage. How the grass is greener on the other side?
Believe me, You are delusional,
I have spent most of my life single, i have sept with hundreds of women.
(i do not do that anymore) (i am celibate for 2 years) If I only had her I would be happy, is what i would say. I met and lost some pretty wonderful women because of that.
i look at so many friends who are married, have wonderful kids, have beautiful homes and wanna throw it away to fool around with a young sexy woman or women with a guy!
These people have things I will never have, Children who love them, a beautiful home, a person, spouse who loves them. Yet, I am hearing them whine about unhappy and misunderstood they are.
My friends,
All sins are forgivable let alone adulterous affairs. However, having the privilege to be forgiven does not give any man or woman a passport to continue their ways in anticipation of forgiveness from their partner or from God.
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