Blog: Raw Foods is it for Everybody
by bluepastry

Giuliani Supports Israel

Rudy Giuliani..A strong voice for Jews, thank God

Date:   8/1/2006 10:19:05 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 1777 times

..In a letter to Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) expressed support for the Mayor's decision to deny Yasir Arafat the "unqualified hospitality of the City of New York.".

Remember Terrorist Arafat who was loved by Bill clinton and the Democrats.
He was the most frequesnt visitor to the White House. Was't Arafat waiting in the next room while Bill Clinton used his power to influence a young impressionable Jewish Monica Lewinsky?

Ilsa and Lisa Klinghoffer, daughters of Leon Klinghoffer, who was killed at the hands of Palestinian terrorists, and Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, wrote the Mayor, "While we are strong supporters of the Middle East peace process, the memory of the victims of terror is always with us. While we support recent moves by the PLO toward reconciliation, we dare not forget those innocents who were the intended targets of that organization. Consequently, we believe that support for the peace process does not require embracing Arafat."

Oh but Democrats embraced Hitler . Why would they not embrace Arafat? This writer believes that if Hitler were around today, wait he is, in a way, in Iran and he is embraced.

While Democrats embraced Arafat Giuliani Said as Mayor of New York city
"As a city that has experienced terror in its own backyard," the ADL letter to Giuliani said, "and with citizens who share such a close bond with the State of Israel, your comments serve to reinforce our own commitment to never forget and to be ever vigilant as we work toward peace."

Giuliani Defeated a racist NYC mayor and Democrat David Dinkins who was probably one of the worst in not the most horrible Mayor in the History of NYC. Under Dinkins
Anti Semitic attacks against Jewish New Yorkers skyrocketed.

Dinkins closest allies Rev Al Sharpoton called Jews " Interlopers" and Jesse Jackson,
the spiritual adviser of Bill Clinton. Rememebr, they both ( Bill & Jesse)were cheating on their wives with young imprssionable girls. Jesse Jackson called NYC Himeytown and admitted to spitting in White Peoples food

Giuliani Like President GW Bush, Is a strong supporter of the Nation Of Israel.


The Leon and Marilyn Klinghoffer Foundation of the ADL combats the threat of terrorism through education, legal and legislative means. It was established in 1985 by the family of Leon Klinghoffer after he was murdered in his wheelchair aboard the cruise ship Achille Lauro and then thrown overboard.

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