Blog: My personal cleansing journey
by mj81

09/08/2005 Short Introduction

This is a journal detailing how my various flushing/cleanses are going.
I am a newbie to all this... I am very excited to meet other people who are into internal cleansing.

Date:   9/8/2005 6:13:02 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 1618 times

Hi all-
This is a journal detailing how my various flushing/cleanses are going.
I am a newbie to all this... I am very excited to meet other people who are into internal cleansing.

I'm a 23 year old female, who lives in AZ. I have been married for 5 years and have 2 wonderful boys. I love them to bits! I am slowly getting my husband to come around to the idea of internal cleansing. He doesn't eat the healthiest... so I know he is very toxic! So, I'm being the guinea pig... LOL... I'm doing all the research then trying various cleanses out to see what works and what doesn't. I'm hoping once he see's what a difference cleansing has made for me, he will want to follow in my footsteps. Then its onto the kiddos :)

I am breastfeeding, so I have to take this into account with anything I take. Therefore, Parasite cleansing is almost a no no with me :-/ I believe its because of the herb, wormwood. I am going to see if there are other ingredients I can do to para cleanse.

Order of cleanses:
1. A few really good bowel cleanses. I'm thinking two rounds worth before I do anything else.
2. A gentle parasite cleanse. (nothing too extreme until I'm done breastfeeding.)
3. Liver Flush
4. Kidney Flush (?) this is a maybe... I don't really feel the "need" to cleanse the kidney at the moment. Perhaps this is intuition with what my body needs. I do need the bowel and liver flush.

Thats about it for now. I am currently on day 2 of Oxy-Powder. (
Nothing really stands out about it. I am having lots of "butt pee"
The nice thing is, I have NO cramping with taking the oxypowder. None at all... which leads me to believe it is a gentle but effective cleanser. I do feel lighter and a bit more energetic. Hopefully, I will see some more results tomorrow.

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