Blog: Spirit Speaks
by Liora Leah

AA Ariel:Water & Fire

This fascinating message from Archangel Ariel, as channeled through Isaac George in January 2005 after the Southeast Asian tsunami, speaks of natural disasters as "Earth Movements" that indicate human "shifts in consciousness toward the Light of Spirit". AA Ariel tells us these Movements will continue for about two more earth-years, facilitated by the elements of water and fire. Within the message, He also speaks of prophecy, Love, "death", prayer, Discernment of the Heart, and Mastery.

Date:   10/31/2005 2:02:34 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 2315 times


"WATER AND FIRE" - Archangel Ariel

Ariel here. Peace be with you.

You are now feeling the aftermath of the acceleration phase during the past
12 days. Though much of what you are feeling is the empathic response to the
Earth movements and the emotional rending that those left behind feel, plus
the reactions within the World Soul. There is another deep knowing that is
coming forth within that is not of concern, anxiety or despair.
A knowing that something momentus has commenced.

If you have had any feelings of elation or excitement interspersed with the
grieving and sense of loss, then you are opening to the tremendous power of
Love that is radiating behind the scenes of recent events. That Love is in
the solar eruptions, in the shaking Earth, in the tempestuous oceans.
Everywhere you look, Goddess Is. Love, however, is not without potency.
The Earth Mother has convulsed in a kind of orgasmic birth pang, a release
of energies long-held in rigidity. You HAVE gotten your own attention, so to

To understand the magnitude of this occurrence it is necessary to FEEL all
of the meaning of it, not dissect it intellectually. From our perspective
the process of physical ascension, global reclamation and the shift in all
consciousness is served by this gift from the souls who gave their lives,
and also by those who remain behind. Please notice that YOU are still where
you are, and that after the shockwave you would do well to reassess what is
essential in your lives, and release excess baggage. Lighten your boats so
that you stay afloat easier. Keep only that which is useful, and travel

There has been a physical release to be sure, however all is connected, and
a stress relief in one place can create stress in another place. Your
geologists have been unable to accept the influence of major tectonic events
from one region to the next, but they exist nonetheless. Stress has been
shifted, but it has not been eliminated. This sets the stage for the next
growth, the next shift.

During the series presented over the past several months (Unveiled Parts 1
to 3), we illustrated the link between male/female issues, polarity, and the
Uranus/Neptune cycles of the next seven to eight years. It was important to
provide a context for you to understand the unraveling process, and to
assure you that all is indeed in Divine order.

Surround yourself in the intention of understanding, clothe your Self in the
choice of full awareness, and be at peace. All outer conditions are not
conspiring against you, and what has commenced is not a replay from your
race consciousness about the catastrophes of the ancient past. There will be
no more Atlantis's, no cataclysm to upend the last of that which is in
resistance and not in harmony with Life. However, there will be more Earth
changes of varying severity and duration for at least the next 18 to 24
months until what was set in motion last month comes to a moment of
equilibrium. We are not sweeping anything under any rug. We support your
knowing all that you need to know for your returning to your True Self, so
we are commenting on what we observe and declaring it to you.

These 'events' will be born out of the Elements of Water, precipitated by
Fire. Volcanism is the fire that fuels the changes, burning the dross of
lower consciousness away. It manifests as Kundalini; the Earth's own
kundalini (Uranus) precipitating the cleansing process via the element of
Water (Pisces). Excess water or lack of water due to changing climactic
conditions also will be expressed thus. Ocean water entering fault lines
and fractures also contributes to the process of tectonic shifting. You are
in the ending cycle of the Piscean Great Age, and the cleansing of the
collective shadow-self, and all astral matter, will be accomplished by the
element that Pisces represents-Water. Your responses to these energies,
regardless of age, race, religion or geographical location, will be
emblematic of an Initiation of the World Soul. The actual spark of this was
the Solar Eclipse of August 1999-The Fixed Grand Cross.

It is imperative to understand that the shifts in consciousness toward the
Light of Spirit that have occurred and are continuing to unfold HAS
mitigated many of the original prophesies of old, especially those given
through Cayce and Nostradamus. But the essential prophecies given by Master
Yeshua, The Christ (Jesus) and others are not yet come to pass, for they
represent the purification needed that will assist in raising awareness of
the imbalance and resistance existing within each person, where there is
still the pride of ego instead of the surrender to Truth. Not all that is
in your holy books has been corrupted and altered, so read for yourself what
is said regarding the ending of this cycle, and the ushering in of the new

There is no judgment in these manifestations, only Love. You may wonder why
natural disasters seem to strike at those who are poorer materially, and
seemingly defenseless. A group of souls may choose to transmute collective
and individual karma when it is obvious that it is no longer of benefit to
continue in a timeline that has very little potential for further healing
and self-realization. Concurrently, a message is sent to all others still
in embodiment that death is but a door to another state of being. Finally,
the collective unconsciousness is made more conscious of the patterns of
false belief and disowned trauma that contributes to the buildup of
misqualified energies that beg for reconciliation, and much of this is
transfigured through acts of compassion and prayers of intercession.
Everyone benefits, including the Earth Mother. Those who have translated
the Veil are received in joy and great healing is afforded to them
immediately. No one suffers in Reality.

It is essential to remain calm and centered and not to succumb to what might
be, and at the same time be conscious of what is required. To expand your
perspective to such a wide angle would give you the view of having observed
the causes, the process and the manifestation of any outer condition from
beginning to completion. At that level of perspective, nothing can surprise
you or cause you fear. There are no unknowns, only potential results in the
timestreams. Spirit itself knows not the outcome or consequence of any
creative/destructive potential, until it is chosen by individuals and
groups. Growth via grace is always Spirit's desire, and we recommend
calling in Grace on everything!

The tool of consciousness that will be most required for the next two years
will be the tool of discernment. Discernment of the Heart will tell you the
truth or untruth of any information, any person, any event, any prophecy or
prediction. In each now, determine what your Spirit says is right by
cultivating discernment by listening to the authority of your Heart, not the
lower will or mind. When all of your instincts are shouting at you to head
for the high ground, do not override it and go to the beach to see what is
going to happen next. To see how something feels, merely allow any
information or energy to move from the mind centers or solar plexus and into
the heart. You may have to command it to do so from your I Am Presence. Once
there, you will either feel an expansion of peace, or an irritation or lack
of any sensation. The peacefulness confirms the truth for you on something.
The opposite is self-explanatory.

So do not dismiss the value of prophecy, for it has the power to mitigate or
alter the impact of conditions. Neither focus nor obsess about any prophecy,
for the choice of one individual may decide the fate of many. If you choose
to surrender the personal will and heal, then you do it for the many as
well. When that happens, the scales are tipped back a bit closer to center,
and the earthquakes will cease within you.

The metaphysical meaning of water is spirit, feelings and emotions, and the
Feminine principle. More and more will you have foreknowledge of events
through the feeling nature, which is the activity of telepathy with the
consciousness of Nature Herself, which is represented by the path of the
Planet Neptune through the sign of Aquarius until early 2012. The
communications between your etheric blueprints, your conscious mind, your
dreams, your body, and the collective Planetary, Human and Nature Fields of
Awareness will increasingly give you the awareness of the activity of
prophecy. Using the tool of Discernment, you can come to trust the
reawakening of this faculty within the Pituitary Gland/Third Eye, and use it
to assist yourself and others. You are becoming so sensitive to the ripples
within and without, and yet you do not trust what they are trying to tell
you. They are trying to tell you that something momentus IS happening!

The key at this moment of potential mastery is to not try or even desire to
alter external conditions, manipulate energy or matter, or even attempt to
alter the consciousness of others. The key at this moment is to look at what
is inside of you that is not peaceful, not in harmony, not real, not true,
not in balance, and no longer serving your becoming YOU! Prayer changes
things, as long as you have no expectations around the outcomes. Prayer is a
Loving act without attachment or control. Release your prayers, and then
release your judgments about what the Earth has done, what people do, and
what might happen next. Trust and surrender are the antidotes for fear, not
rigidity and asserting the will.

Prepare yourself instead. Raise yourself and others will rise with you. Come
back to this moment and identify that which is essential. You can master the
Elements within you and outside of you, if you will face your demons and
integrate them. After the cleansing of the water, then the fire, will you
know through your inner Instructor how to flow with Nature, who will then
obey the Christ consciousness in you. Part of Sacred Alchemy is the mastery
of the Elements and the Physical Universe, and is available to he/she that
allows complete vulnerability to the Lord of Transformation. In this cycle
the Lord is Pluto passing through Sagittarius, and it is sifting the chaff
from the wheat in every soul. The chaff is the false separation of the
masculine and feminine principles in all men and women. When that wound is
cleansed and healed, when the last belief is purged, then will the waters be
calm, and the fires mellowed.

Remember, you have always existed, and you shall always be. There is no
thing to fear. Release your expectations and judgment and give up all hope!
Then remove yourself from the pendulum of hope and hopelessness, success or
failure, survival or death, heaven or hell, victory or defeat. Let Spirit
and Nature have their way with you. Resolve the paradox by transcending it.
Transcend it by loving all of it, even the water and the fire.


Isaac George website:

Related Blogs:

Consciousness & Natural Disasters

Isaac George channels the Archangels Ariel and Michael,& the Ascended Masters Jesus and St. Germain. In his Spiritlife Newsletter, Isaac discusses the recent hurricanes and "natural disasters" as being manifestations on the earthplane of our individual and collective human consciousness and unconsciousness. We can start by acknowledging that we manufactured all of this in the first place, forgiving all of it, and choosing to open to the Divinity within us all.

Excerpt from "Spirit Speaks: Great Self" :"...for humans, true understanding comes from the heart, not the head or the brain or even the mind. These human minds can betray you as they are often filled with falsehoods and misbelief--some incorporated during biological childhood, some taken on willingly in adulthood, and in order to 'expunge' these false beliefs one must learn to understand, think, feel, BELIEVE from the heart."

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