Blog: My Story - MC
by #48028

Day #3 of MC - Mood = Positive

i am glad i read steven burroughs book which notes that its ideal to use cane juice. right now i love cane juice its like a luxury to be able to drink it all day. i've also started p&b shakes today.

Date:   6/21/2005 2:09:38 AM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 1999 times

Ok i can honestly say that i am feeling more positive today but lunch time wasnt a very good time especially as i have to feed our 2 children their porridge. i dont like porridge but it seemed tempting all of a sudden..hmm i wonder why ? maybe because i have not consumed anything solid since staurday night. i like golly i used to love lemons but now i'm okay with lemons as i have been consuming lemons all day sunday, all day monday and almost all of tuesday. either way, i want to get my body cleaned out, so i am aiming for a 10 day lemonade fast....during times which i actually feel bad or low my objective is to just take it a day at a time...other times when im on a "high" i actually entertain the thought of going on a 21 or 40 day fast. i'm blessed in that where we live, fresh sugar cane juice is available all year round. the guy just puts the cane into this machine which squeezes the juice out and voila you can enjoy it warm or cold...the sad this is we dont have maple syrup here but i am glad i read steven burroughs book which notes that its ideal to use cane juice. right now i love cane juice its like a luxury to be able to drink it all day. i've also started p&b shakes today. i take swf in the morning and then have (Excuse the term)butt pee which last off & on for a couple of hours but i find it invigorating cause i know its cleaning out my body. and the best part is that it isnt like diarhea at all there is no stomach cramps/or burning at the exit its like, simply put peeing from your butt...yesterday dh bought cheeseburgers from mac donalds for dinner for himself (he usually eats pretty healthy but i guess he had a craving)...i wasdnt tempted one bit in fact i was disgusted it seems now that though i do get tempted by food it is mostly healthy food..i'm tenpted by fresh fruits and vege no longer tempted by junk. this in itself is a great achievement s i used to crave and satisfy my junk food urges daily everything from dunkin donuts to cheeseburgers, pizza, choclate cake, fudge...but right now while i type this...i'm craving fresh mangoes...hehe...

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