CAL Governor Reponds
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger responds to e-mail encouraging him to "stay strong" in his support to decrease greenhouse gases in California...but can he keep his word?
Date: 1/20/2006 8:47:34 PM ( 19 y ) ... viewed 1550 times Thank you for your comments regarding greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Global warming and the burning of fossil fuels are threats to
California and the world. We know the science, we see the threat and the time
for action is now.
On June 2, 2005, I signed Executive Order S-3-05 directing the
California Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to implement groundbreaking
GHG emissions goals. My directive calls for a reduction of GHG emissions
to 2000 levels by 2010, 1990 levels by 2020 and 80 percent below 1990
levels by 2050. This bold action establishes California as the national
leader in the fight against global warming, setting an ambitious
precedent for the federal government and other states to follow. These
target goals will protect California's water supply, air and coastline from
the threat of a changing climate and reward businesses that invest in
efficiency-enhancing technologies. The California EPA will evaluate
many proposals in order to create a cost-effective strategy to meet these
goals. I encourage you to learn more about these initiatives by
visiting my website at
Since I became governor of California, I have been committed to leading
by example to protect California's natural resources. I established an
Environmental Action Plan to lead the way in meeting our new
environmental challenges. We created the 25 million acre Sierra Nevada
Conservancy, opened the path to a hydrogen highway and sponsored the first ocean
protection act in the nation. We created the "Breath Easier Campaign,"
aimed at getting the worst polluting vehicles off California roads and
strengthened the "Flex Your Power at the Pump" program, helping
citizens use gasoline more efficiently. In December 2004, I signed the Green
Building executive order directing the State government, the largest
electricity consumer in California and one of the highest greenhouse gas
producers, to increase its own energy efficiency by 20 percent by 2015.
With these actions, I see California as an environmental partner not
only to our nation, but to nations around the world.
Again, thank you for your interest regarding global warming and for
sending me your comments. By working together, we can meet the needs of
our economy and our environment, as well as make this Earth a place of
beauty and opportunity for all generations.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Urge Governor Schwarzenegger to stand by his goal of reducing California's global warming pollution; Help protect California's Central Coast and Southern Diablo Range. TAKE ACTION by signing two e-petitions!
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