Blog: Systemic Candida
by Jhan

Recipe: Alternative Bread

Recipe: Alternative Bread - Chocolote Cake

Date:   6/19/2005 11:56:01 AM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 4593 times

To create a "bread" recipe, to compensate to the absence of bread in your diet and to spread almond butter, pumpkin seed butter and sunflower butter onto something nice.

Use any chocolate chip cake recipe which uses baking powder. Use brown rice flour or buckwheat flour instead of the white wheat flour. No sugar, no chocolate chip and you are all set to get a 'sort of" bread

Another option is Indy's almond bread:

For thoses interested the following recipe has no grain at all, it tastes great, it does not fall apart, it toasts well and stays within my guidelines of a strict diet.

Almond Bread
2 1/2C Almond Meal
1/3C Powdered Egg Whites (I found Bob's Red Meal to be safe)
1 1/4 t Soda
3/4t Salt
1/2C Olive Oil
3 Eggs
3/4C Water

Preheat oven to 350 F.

1) Butter the bottom of a large loaf pan. You can butter around a little way up the side, but don't go too far. To make sure all goes well when taking the bread out of the pan, I like to put a piece of parchment paper in the bottom and then butter that as well.

2)Mix the dry ingredients together (almond meal, egg white, baking powder, salt.

3) Add the wet ingredients (oil, eggs, water). Mix well. (You don't have to worry about overmixing, as you would with regular flour.)

4) Pour batter into pan and bake about 40-50 minutes, until top is golden brown and toothpick comes out clean.

I have made the recipe above several times and love it. Having hot bread and butter was something I thought would never be an option for me again. I am thinking if trying some variations by adding zucchini and stevia to make a sweet bread, or cinnamon and stevia to make muffins. As soon as I have a rainy day I think I will experiment.

Hope it works for others please let me know what you think.

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