Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

Toxic Waste Dump

Toxic Waste Dump.
Some thoughts on visiting
the apartment house of my

Date:   4/20/2006 10:34:28 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 1345 times

Nephew David and his wife
were suffering with recurrent colds.
They were both very frustrated.

I spent the night and started
to have a sore throat again myself,
but popped about eight Yin Chiao*
that drives the wind out.
Feeling better this morning
though some mucious in my nose
from an unusual amount of dairy in route home
from L.A.

They live in a three story apartment
stuffed with people. I wonder how many
of them they knew or give morning greetings.

They suspect the air quality from circulation
air from what is called the conditioner.
Seems they all got severe colds leaving it on
during the first days of Passover.

I came up the elevator the first time
to accept ease but was overwhelmed by
intense toxic fumes that collected so much there
I wanted to hold my breathe.
It's door had been recently painted,
the insides were collecting something more

There is no air flow on the floors.
I walked down the stairs. The air was much better
behind closed doors, but the windows
even there said, "Do not open. Security Risk."
There was little exchange between the inside
and outside of the very locked building
that could only be entered with a key and
identifying yourself if a guest.

There is fear that if the windows were left open,
other kinds of people would enter who would
want to steal things and harm. This does not
feel a safe neighborhood to someone in this building
who has placed these signs here.

I am sure their fears are based in experiences
and that in this very mixed neighborhood of Souls
of diverse ethnics, there is not enough trust
and understanding. Maybe there are influenced
here by conditions in the Mid East, where Jewish
people and other Tribes do not coalese very well.

I imagine that World Peace needs to start here
in this neighborhood or the people in this building
will surely die prematurely from toxins self imposed.

Maybe they can call a group meeting between
the various apartment dwellings, each coming
out of their individual caves to greet one another.
Maybe together they can speak to the Landlord
without fear that anyone of them will be asked
to leave this haven of residence, should they
confront the powers that be with requests to
improve the air they breathe.

Something needs to be done that perhaps
getting to know each other might help.
Maybe they could invest in weapons--
some kind of rifle action and organized
to start guard at those insecure windows.
Maybe they could have shifts as in a War Zone
so they might open all the doors and windows
and allow the air to circulate
and let the toxins go.

I notice no plants in David's place.
I offered to bring some,
some simple greens ones that could grow
on the open porch that could support life.

Some action is called for here
to prevent one more Concentration Camp
self imposed from this very sick building.

8:33 AM
April 20, 2006

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