Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

Brimming w/ ideas

brimming w/ ideas...

Date:   1/31/2006 10:13:14 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 1329 times

Brimming with ideas....
The electricity went out
as all these ideas were being written up here....

Had a creative breakthrough last night.

Too much energy coming through me...
now going through the circuits of the house...
overloaded the switches...
Too much unsaid communication built up inside me.

Blown circuits...
H, housemate, wanting action on the electircal physical system.

She suspects the worst, and would have all the wiring of the house
redone...that's her style.

SO what were all the ideas I was having?

Here are a few notes I will have to work on later:

sexy grapefruit
Fruit p 0 r n


Vulva lettuce--
Lettuce so fresh it makes you blush
For Joe the Farmer add.

I'm 58--my hero Thoreau, did not even live
till that age. I have not been seeing a way out for me.

The Artist of Kouroo is one of my favorite of his writings
from "Walden."

Story of my Muse...

Meet her with unconditional love-

she yawns sometime when I speak....
She tells me she yawns a we talk about it...
The man who does laugh therapy also does yawn therapy.
Glad I asked. Now I understand. She is not yawning because
she is bored with what I am saying. She did not sleep much
last night.

Talking to her on the phone NOW.

p 0 r n: She says, "It is the symptom
of a problem--
the mind set
a symptom of a sickness--
They use women's bodies to sell product--

We have both dropped out of mainstream
We both work for the Real CIA...

it's not that i don't have my job
i'm just not paid conventionally to do it....

IDEA: Be the Artist...continue having the Artist of Kouroo
as an inspiration....

About the House here:

I want to stay here, but to do so, I have to
meet the Personal Growth Pattern
I have to go through the Crack in me.

More energy needs to come through the Circuits
of the electrical system of the House...

The Crack broke the Circuit
between Heaven and Earth...
A big deva sits on the tree in front of the house
overlooking the neighborhood.
We are less than a couple miles from San Diego State.

Much of the work I do in energetically not of this world.

I am one with this land. Yes, part ego, also part truth.

I can't live here this way. I have to come out of hiding.
The place needs to be up to Code.

The things that need to be FIXED need to be FIXED
before I take over FULL OWNERSHIP.

This is the Moment for Woman Rising.

I was feeling, how can I leave this Place now
and go up to Hollywood Just to do a Show.
There has to be a DEEPER meaning for me going up there.

SO, let's all make this the Moment for a BIG SHIFT...

Let's take a stand against the breakdown of Family Violence
that turns Kids out of their homes running for cover.

This Thursday night, it is a benefit for an organization
called Chiidren of the Night. They want to help
end Childhood Prostitution.

Prostition, it goes so DEEP.
Any time any one of us sells out
for sells off a part of us
that we do something that is only physical
that we leave out the SOUL
we are prostituting ourselves.

The Driven force behind them
can be the SOUL....
The Soul and Soil are Soilmates.

Please, what are we buying into,
and for WHAT?????

SEX...HEALTHY it possible to have it
without GIVING all of our selves to ourselves
and to another, if just for a moment....

Sacred Moments...we are all so sold off,
bought out....

Love is Forever. Love is all there is.
IT's expression comes and goes...
That is O.K., but when you Make Love
Please, let it be Making Love or don't do it.

IF you do it, if you open your beautiful Woman body
and attempt to have sex without your heart being into it
and your soul, this is unhealthy sex.

Why is their p 0 r n in the first place?

What is p 0 r is a selling out and a making
of $$$ to meet an underlying sickness that is so
prevalent...the Sickness is a Loss of Soul in Daily Life.

Please...there is nothing wrong or right about Sex.
IT is intended to be a dialogue between Souls.
Sometimes, we start where we are...we bring in our fears...
we find a way to let the Man part enter the Woman part
sexually. IT is a Pandora's Box of personal growth
intended to come from Healthy Sex.

The Pelvis of the Woman...have you any idea the
trapped energies in there????

A woman knows when it is right for her to OPEN.
If she feels closed, she can't have sex.

That gives her sickness.

What are we eating?
of LIFE, or are we eating FAX FOODS...

Can we exist that taking the Risk to love
to Open to each other?

Can we afford not to find someone who
slowly ever so slowly we can learn to trust
even if we feel like we want to Run at every turn?

Sex, Sex, it is everywhere! IT is so Essential
to Life. Every fruit bearing tree has seeds,
every grain is a seed, every vegetable has seeds.

What are we doing, leaving out all the other Seed

Take off thy Shoes and Walk.
You are on Holy Ground.

This is the Enchanted Garden
and every Dream you can imagine is yours
because the Whole Universe is Lined up
wanting to fulfill your every need and desire.

Just Make up your Mind and Say what you Want.

So what do you want?

DO you want a Soul Mate?
Then treat the Woman in front of you
that you enter as your Soul Mate.

Find the Good in her. Find the Good in Him.
Love forever even if just NOW, and NOW, and NOW
and then GO home to yourself and FIGURE out
why it felt so good.

Why does sex feel so Good?

God and Mother Earth made it feel so good
so you would get yourself in dangerous uncharted ground.

Children of the Night. Please. Kids belong home in bed,
with Mothers who are willing to be responsible for the sex
they had to make those kids.

IF you let them come out of you, then they are your responsibility
to accept that you made them on Purpose to make
a more beautiful world.

Praise be to all Mothers and Fathers willing to have kids
in this terrible world that is not what God intended.

God had us all living in the garden.
The world is still intended to be an Enchanted Garden.

The world is waiting for you to Plant Your Dream.

your eg


Please tell your story!

Make a Comment...
You can use your # rather than your name if you want
to be unknown.

Tell your story.
Pour it out.

Why are you so Angry at men?
Why are you so Angry at your Father and your Mother?
How has the Underbelly of Unhealthy Life and Unhealthy
Sex affected you?

How have you reclaimed your Healthy Sexuality?

What works for you?

Can you take your own Self Pleasure without feeling
shamed as Judy Levy felt shamed by her own Mother?

(See Judy's Story on Her website...)

How does a Woman come up with a Mission
statement...Making the World a better place one
Orgasm at a time? That is her Mission...for
women, giving them back their healthy bodies....

So what is she doing having two Sex stores?

Good question.

What is the answer????

What are your judgements....about Light...Dark
Black and White?????

THe PRIZE: #1 of a Copy of "Because She is a Woman
for the BEST STORY...of how you developed Healthy Sexuality
for yourself.

What trauma did you come out of, if any?

Do you take Space for yourself?

Have you learned to Trust

"A man is a gentle man when he knows
what it means for a woman to take space"

© 2004, Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener
"Because She is a Woman."

What is your story?

How are you bringing Healthy Sexuality into the world
through you?

Can you make it rain when you Make Love?

Art Work:

Make Art work, leslie, keep commemorating
the History of Peace on Earth, one breakout
at a Time. We want to Support you.
Please, do what you Enjoy. Please stop TRYING
to do it all yourself. Speak up! Find a way to speak up
or else your House is going to blow away.

The Big Bad Wolf is you, Goldman, so have your
Say. Tell your Muse what you have to say,
tell her when you want to know, is she yawning
at you because you bore her, or is she just taking in
the energy and releasing....

Maybe a Yawn is a new type of Mouth sex.

Dazzling Art!

My House...
in a crowed city at the end of a dead end street...
a place where possums live, and fox, and coyotes
sound. Who wants to live here? Should such a place

What is the rental structure that works?
Who can be the house manager?
How do I live here and do my Art and Writing?

peanuts--can be given back to Michael
at Mail Boxes...tell that adventure...I gave him a Pummelo...

My father as a sexua| person...-
Maybe it was my mother who did not want to have sex with him.
forgive. forgive.-

Do what i do well--
The marketing to someone else...

struggling...find a way out of hard...

Who wants copies of
the new artwork of
"Because She is a Woman'?
signed and numbers.

Portions of proceeds will go to
Children of the Night.

1 Prize Winner

only 100 of the First Limited Edition will be made.


11:53 AM
in the History of Peace on Earth

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